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Outbreak About Outbreak Characters.


This has been boggling to my mind so ı wanted to create this thread.

Can ı ask why re wiki lists all main playable outbreak characters' status as alive? I know alyssa is confirmed to have survived according to re7 but what about the others? I dont think they are confirmed to have survived.

The characters are listed here.
Most of the time, the best outcomes are the ones considered canon. So, if we were to follow that logic, then the outcome where all survivors escaped would be the canon one. It's typically a rule for the Resident Evil series, and I can't think of any of the games where the canon ending is the one with the bad ending.
Most of the time, the best outcomes are the ones considered canon. So, if we were to follow that logic, then the outcome where all survivors escaped would be the canon one. It's typically a rule for the Resident Evil series, and I can't think of any of the games where the canon ending is the one with the bad ending.
True but for pretty much other game in the series, they confirm it one way or another that the characters who could be killed in the games survive during said previous games. However the later entries released after outbreak games dont confirm all characters as surviving other than alyssa. I feel like it's a better idea to rely on future games' confirmation rather than taking all characters as a fact.

I mean ı wished that happened too not to mention ı like the image posted on resident evil portal site however that's not possible to do in the games.
Eh, I don't think we're getting that confirmation anytime soon from newer main titles. However, apparently there is something going on with Outbreak at the moment, so maybe there will be something on that front sometime soon.
Eh, I don't think we're getting that confirmation anytime soon from newer main titles. However, apparently there is something going on with Outbreak at the moment, so maybe there will be something on that front sometime soon.
Well at least re7 confirms alyssa surviving. I wished they confirmed others surviving too.

Yeah ı know what you're saying. There's apparently outbreak remaster hints going on but ıdk if they would confirm the characters surviving that way.
Last we saw of them, they were alive. We never saw them die, so they are still alive as far as we know. Could they have died offscreen? Certainly, but like dear Nikolai, I don't think we're meant to know and prefer that we don't. But someone's death has to be confirmed for them to be labeled deceased.
Last we saw of them, they were alive. We never saw them die, so they are still alive as far as we know. Could they have died offscreen? Certainly, but like dear Nikolai, I don't think we're meant to know and prefer that we don't. But someone's death has to be confirmed for them to be labeled deceased.
Thank you for mentioning nikolai. His fate is listed as unknown on re wiki. From what ı understand, they listed him as this cause it's possible for him to die in og game. Either by blowing his chopper or him getting killed by nemesis ( Though the latter only happens if jill pushes nemesis which would result in her and carlos escaping with the chopper found in disposal plant rather than being saved by barry which is confirmed to have happened. So ı guess that option isnt canon at all. ) rather than him escaping with chopper. Reimagining doesnt clear anything either, he's injured and sits on ground. There's another chopper nearby and ı saw people theorizing that he used that to escape but this is never shown. He's always shown as sitting on ground while injured in reimagining regardless of anything.

I feel that outbreak characters' status excluding alyssa should also be listed as unknown rather than alive just like nikolai. I dont see why nikolai would be listed as unknown and outbreak characters would be listed as alive at the same time.
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