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General A Resident Evil Test

1. Left 4 dead 2. I learned the existence of re6 through this way.

2. Re6

3. Raccoon city

4. Piers' anti-materiel rifle in re6.

5. Re6

6. Re0. I wished the theme played more though instead of being exclusive to some rooms.

7. I think re6 has the best characters overall but if ı had to pick one, it would be ada.

8. The sound that plays when you successfully perform a counter attack in re6.

9. Leon's counter-reply to simmons:

" You... have no idea... what would happen if ı die! "

" The world would be a better place! "

10. Neo umbrella medals that's found in jake's campaign.


I always loved the design of it.

From re2's keys, my favourite one is heart key.


11. Favourite common enemy is j'avo. I cant really pick a favourite mutation right now cause ı loved them all but my favourite mutation spot is head mutations.

As for rare; it's without a doubt rasklapanje.

12. Re6

13. Damnation



15. Re6 mercenaries

16. When ı fully beat re6 by s ranking all campaigns with all characters in all difficulties.

I even have a screenshot of it, let me share it here:


17. I was most curious about raccoon city due to the location being mentioned in re6 as well as its files so re game that ı was most curious about was re2. I played it after re3 though.

18. From mainline entries, my least favourite ones are remake, re4 and re2 2019. It used to be re7 but that changed. If ı have to pick one, out of those 3; ı guess my pick would be re4.

From spinoffs, it's without a doubt umbrella corps.

19. Darkside chronicles



21. I think re6 overall has the best memorable voice acting and voice lines but if ı have to pick one; it would be:

" We're beyond sympathy at this point. We're beyond humanity. "

22. Pc.

23. Simmons' mutant forms.

24. Re6. It was the 1st re game that ı played. The monsters and environment looked very threatening at that time. I remember staying on easiest difficulty for a long while and slowly moving my way to higher difficulties.

25. Combat system of re6.

26. I like re6's voice actors equally but my favourite actor is without a doubt alyson court. I wished claire was in re6 and voiced by her tbh. I dont like claire in rerev2 that much.

She sticked for claire way longer than other actors did, her removal is still not that easy to accept imo. The others are alright but ı like alyson the most.

27. Molded.

28. My favourite ones are from re6 but ı cant really pick one cause ı love them equally really.

29. I dont have a preference, ı like all camera styles equally.

30. None at this point. I used to want to see several coming back, mainly some from re6 but these days ı'm not really interested in future. I dont have the interest really.

Well this was interesting. I would like to find another image related to resident evil like this. It would be fun to answer.
View attachment 1640

I found this quiz on twitter. I saw people replying their answers so ı decided to share the image here to see if anyone's interested at making one.
1. Resident Evil Revelations
2. RE6
3. The Queen Zenobia
4. The Hydra
5. Resident Evil Remake
6. (Not sure)
7. Chris Redfield
8. I like the sound of sorting items in RE5
9. Moira's "Jump on a dildo, boss!" line
10. (Didn't play RE2 yet, not sure)
11. The Scarmiglione, it's terrifying imo
12. RE6
13. Resident Evil Vendetta
14. Rachel Foley
15. The Mercenaries, especially in RE6
16. Jake and Sherry defeating Ustanak together in the end
17. Outbreak (still never played it)
18. RE7
19. Revelations no contest
20. Alex Wesker
21. Almost anything Moira says 😂
22. PlayStation
23. Haos
24. Resident Evil Village
25. The sliding or quick shots in RE6
26. I loved Laura Bailey as Helena
27. Anything from RE7 tbh
28. Does Keith in REREV count? 29. 3rd person definitely. 30. Sherry
This sounds like fun.

1. Resident Evil Director's Cut pre-soundtrack change
2. Resident Evil Director's Cut pre-soundtrack change
3. Resident Evil Director's Cut mansion
4. Chicago Typewriter from Resident Evil 4
5. Resident Evil
6. Resident Evil 3 (1999)
7. Chris Redfield
8. Castle Los Illuminatos guys chanting
9. "Suck on this Wesker!" Chris Redfield Resident Evil 5
10. Diamond Key
11. Lickers
12. Resident Evil Director's Cut
13. Vendetta
14. Chris Redfield Resident Evil 5 Warrior Costume
15. Lost In Nightmare - Resident Evil 5
16. When Chris and Sheva kill Wesker in Resident Evil 5
17. The unreleased Resident Evil 1.5
18. Resident Evil Gaiden
19. Survivor
20. Resident Evil Director's Cut Hunters
21. "Pardon my manners, but I'm not used to escorting men," Albert Wesker Resident Evil Director's Cut
22. A back compatible PlayStation 3 because you can play older games
23. Nemesis from the original Resident Evil 3
24. Resident Evil 2 (1998)
25. I don't know
26. Roger Craig Smith - Chris Redfield
27. Giant Spiders
28. Carlos Oliveria from the old Resident Evil 3
29. Old fixed camera angles from the PS1 era Resident Evil games. 1st person makes me motion sick
30. More Chris and Leon fighting side-by-side together
1) OG RE3. I played the OG trilogy in reverse all in 1999.
2) RE5.
3) Kijiuju from RE5.
4) SIG P226 from RE5.
5) RE5.
6) REmake.
7) Male: Chris. Female: Sheva.
8) Squishy damage feedback in RE5.
9) Complete Global Saturation.
10) N/A. They're all the same for me.
11) Majini.
12) RE5.
13) CGI - Vendetta. Live action: WTRC.
14) Sheva.
15) RE5 Mercenaries.
16) When I beat Nemesis on Inferno with No HUD, No bonus items, and handgun only.
17) RE Village.
19) Revelations 1.
20) Albert Wesker.
21) More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for.
22) PC and PS. (Tie).
23) Nemesis.
24) RE7.
25) 180 turn.
26) Roger Craig Smith.
27) RE Engine zombies.
28) Jessica Sherawat.
29) OTS 3rd person.
30) Sheva.
1. Resident Evil Survivor
2. Revelations
3. Queen Zenobia
4. Probably the P90 Parker carries
5. The newest game, since thats what the discussions are usually about
6. Re2 original
7. Leon
8. Typewriter save
9. Game Over
10. Spade
11. Globster
12. Revelations
13. For canon, Damnation. For live action, the first one.
14. Re6 Tall Oaks Leon, looks both badass and like a regular dude.
15. Revelations 1 Raid Mode
16. Beating 3make on the hardest difficulty with an S rank, or possibly beating the waves of enemies as the officer in 2make dlc.
17. I guess 5. I had played Revelations and 2, so my Dad got me a copy of 5, and the design on the cover intrigued me.
18. 2make
19. Revelations
20. I liked Norman, but Wesker has a special place.
21. "Do you get all your lines from comic book villains?" 2nd place is "Damn, its like a disco ball's in front of my face!"
22. I imagine if you have a good computer, then pc. But I really like the Switch.
23. Norman.
24. For me it was Revelations. I had never played Resident Evil before, or many horror games for that matter. The body in the vents, the enemies in the water terrified me (I have thalassophobia), and the swaying of the boat all unerved me.
25. Merchants or the prep menu from 5. Greatly increased replayability for me.
26. Tie between Roger Craig Smith and Matthew Mercer.
27. Molded
28. Quint and Keith. 2nd place is Parker.
29. 3rd person for me, though I also like fixed angles.
30. Bring back Jill, you Capcom cowards! Remakes dont count!
1. Well, Resident Evil 1 was my first resident evil game, and it got me interested on the series.

2. Resident Evil 5

3. All the locations in RE5

4. Magnum

5. RE5

6. RE1

7. Chris Redfield

8. RE5

9. Chris in RE5 ending, I don't remember the line but is the one he says during the chopper when he's leaving with Jill, Sheva and Josh

10. I don't have one.

11. The Red Axe man from RE5 Mercs.

12. RE5

13. RE Vendetta

14. Chris from RE5

15. Mercs from RE5

16. Chris and Sheva vs Wesker and Jill

17. Before release I was very curious about RE Revelations.

18. RE Zero.

19. Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2

20. Wesker from RE5

21. Chris intro in RE5

22. RE5

23. Wesker as the final Boss of RE5

24. RE Remake 1

25. RE5 inventory cause doesn't require for you to pause the game like RE4 did.

26. The one who voiced Chris in RE5

27. That creature in RE5 that would kill you instantly if they catch you in RE5.

28. Piers from RE6

29. Third person like RE5

30. Chris Redfield to have his own game. He shared the game in RE6 with Leon and Jake, then he had a dlc campaign in RE7 and had a 5 minutes section in RE8. I want for Chris to have a whole game for himself and for us to learn more about him, and even Claire and Jill and Leon showing up as side characters to help us learn more about them all as a group.
1. Well, Resident Evil 1 was my first resident evil game, and it got me interested on the series.

2. Resident Evil 5

3. All the locations in RE5

4. Magnum

5. RE5

6. RE1

7. Chris Redfield

8. RE5

9. Chris in RE5 ending, I don't remember the line but is the one he says during the chopper when he's leaving with Jill, Sheva and Josh

10. I don't have one.

11. The Red Axe man from RE5 Mercs.

12. RE5

13. RE Vendetta

14. Chris from RE5

15. Mercs from RE5

16. Chris and Sheva vs Wesker and Jill

17. Before release I was very curious about RE Revelations.

18. RE Zero.

19. Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2

20. Wesker from RE5

21. Chris intro in RE5

22. RE5

23. Wesker as the final Boss of RE5

24. RE Remake 1

25. RE5 inventory cause doesn't require for you to pause the game like RE4 did.

26. The one who voiced Chris in RE5

27. That creature in RE5 that would kill you instantly if they catch you in RE5.

28. Piers from RE6

29. Third person like RE5

30. Chris Redfield to have his own game. He shared the game in RE6 with Leon and Jake, then he had a dlc campaign in RE7 and had a 5 minutes section in RE8. I want for Chris to have a whole game for himself and for us to learn more about him, and even Claire and Jill and Leon showing up as side characters to help us learn more about them all as a group.
My man! Big RE5 fan here too.
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