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General 2012 and 2021 are the most RE packed years for Capcom. Which do you like more? For me it's 2012 EASILY.

2012: I enjoyed all 3 of the games. Damnation was great, and REtribution was decent as guilty pleasure.

As for 2021, Only WTRC impressed me. RE8 was underwhelming, Infinite Dullness was mediocre, and I haven't played RE4 VR.

(REverse doesn't count because it is part of RE8, and it has not released anyway.)
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2012 for me as well. Resident evil was going epic at that time despite many claiming otherwise. I became a fan in 2013 but a part of me really wishes that ı was a fan before 2012 while being excited for the franchise. It would have been interesting.

Re6 is my favourite one without a doubt, ı still think it's peak bio sequel. I enjoyed rerev but ı couldnt get into it that much, especially storywise. I used to dislike reorc but ı've grown appreciation for it, mainly in terms of characters, storyline and its concept. The same cant be said for umbrella corps however.

I'm not a big fan of live action films however damnation is my favourite cgi movie these days. It used to be my least favourite one mainly cause it didnt feature a virus like how re4 doesnt feature one. However ı've also grown more appreciation for it as well.

For 2021, ı only watched infinite darkness. I was annoyed at that time that it was set in the past and my predictions pretty much come true. It's just a safe movie forced into the timeline. It's ok at best.

I havent watched the new non-canon movie set in raccoon, didnt play revillage and have no interest in re4 vr nor in reverse. For revillage, ı can only speak about its story and ı can safely that it doesnt impress me that much. I was annoyed at chris' actions however ı solved that issue of mine thanks to help of other people. It's still not that interesting imo though ı still think its story is way better than re2 2019's trainwreck story.



These are your images btw. I shared them here for you.
2012 for me as well. Resident evil was going epic at that time despite many claiming otherwise. I became a fan in 2013 but a part of me really wishes that ı was a fan before 2012 while being excited for the franchise. It would have been interesting.

Re6 is my favourite one without a doubt, ı still think it's peak bio sequel. I enjoyed rerev but ı couldnt get into it that much, especially storywise. I used to dislike reorc but ı've grown appreciation for it, mainly in terms of characters, storyline and its concept. The same cant be said for umbrella corps however.

I'm not a big fan of live action films however damnation is my favourite cgi movie these days. It used to be my least favourite one mainly cause it didnt feature a virus like how re4 doesnt feature one. However ı've also grown more appreciation for it as well.

For 2021, ı only watched infinite darkness. I was annoyed at that time that it was set in the past and my predictions pretty much come true. It's just a safe movie forced into the timeline. It's ok at best.

I havent watched the new non-canon movie set in raccoon, didnt play revillage and have no interest in re4 vr nor in reverse. For revillage, ı can only speak about its story and ı can safely that it doesnt impress me that much. I was annoyed at chris' actions however ı solved that issue of mine thanks to help of other people. It's still not that interesting imo though ı still think its story is way better than re2 2019's trainwreck story.

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View attachment 1609

These are your images btw. I shared them here for you.
2012 is definitely the best in my opinion. I actually enjoyed RE8 and Infinite Darkness a lot, but nothing compares to the quality of Resident Evil games/movies that came out then. They were so good and it's no wonder all my greatest memories of RE cones from that year's releases.
2012 was a great year all around, quite so for gaming. I don't get to play online with my friends as often now as I did then. We spent many an hour in many games on Xbox 360 and PS3, including BIO6 and ORC.
2012, I've had a blast with ORC's multiplayer, I was crazy for RE6, it was my second pre-order RE game after ORC, Retribution was fun but I was disappointed Chris and Claire weren't there, Damnation was fun!

I don't like Operation Raccoon City.

I didn't have the necessary consles to play Revelations and Resident Evil 6, as I played games on the computer, so I was waiting for next year. I remember perfectly well how this fact upset me a lot.

Damnation is fine.

I didn't enjoy Retribution, except for the opening credits, I think.


Village is gorgeous. One of the most exciting titles in the series for me, and I genuinely love it more than Resident Evil 4, with which it is often compared.

Infinite Darkness is fine, I enjoyed Leon's storyline. Not the best show, but, well, I don't regret watching it.

I don't have that Oculus thing.

Welcome to Raccoon City… Oswald Cobblepot out of ten. The movie is just a disaster, but the trucker stole my heart.

As a result, 2021 is my choice.
Marhawa desire is also released in 2012 btw. It got completed in 2013 though.

I personally love that manga. The story is interesting and ı love the characters, especially carla in a black cloak. She looks so charming that way.

I couldnt find the last volume online at that time so ı had to buy it to read it. However these days ı feel like ı can have access to it online.


Re6 > Damnation = Marhawa desire > Rerev = Reorc
No ı didnt.

So, considering that this is your first title, you couldn't play it before March 2013. And the fact that the computer version was released separately is also the reason why its sales are counted separately.

You choose a year when you weren't even a fan of the franchise at all.
So, considering that this is your first title, you couldn't play it before March 2013. And the fact that the computer version was released separately is also the reason why its sales are counted separately.

You choose a year when you weren't even a fan of the franchise at all.
But it doesnt say that you have to be a fan at the time of those entries' release dates. It simply says from which year you enjoyed its entries.

Of course ı picked 2012 cause ı enjoyed its entries more than 2021's entries, even if ı was introduced to 2012's entries after it.
So, considering that this is your first title, you couldn't play it before March 2013. And the fact that the computer version was released separately is also the reason why its sales are counted separately.

You choose a year when you weren't even a fan of the franchise at all.
The question is which of the 2 RE packed years you like the most.

It doesn't mean you have to have played/watched the content within said years.

I played Rev1 in 2013 when it released on PC. But it counts as a 2012 game.
If someone played RE6 after 2012, it doesn't change the fact that it's a 2012 game. That's a constant.

And this is a point of disagreement, because Resident Evil 6 on PC and Resident Evil 6 on consoles are different products with different release dates and even different sales accounts. If I play Resident Evil 6 on PC today, it won't change the fact that it was released in March 2013.

But you guys do what you like. Discussing such things is not my jam anyway.
And this is a point of disagreement, because Resident Evil 6 on PC and Resident Evil 6 on consoles are different products with different release dates and even different sales accounts. If I play Resident Evil 6 on PC today, it won't change the fact that it was released in March 2013.

But you guys do what you like. Discussing such things is not my
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