Dino Crisis is now up on PSN for PS4/PS5 but unfortunately like RE1 Directors Cut, is locked behind PS+ Premium with no way of purchasing it otherwise. Even if you own a copy on PS3, Sony is not honoring your prior purchase and letting you download it for free like they do with other classics. Trophies have also not been added either which I was looking forward to the most. Not sure what the hell Capcom is thinking or what they even gain from doing this? I believe they're the only company who are locking their classics behind a paywall like this on PSN. Perhaps they plan to release a classic collection of their own at some point? If thats the case, they sure are taking their sweet time.
I think the most unfortunate thing about all this is I bet like the Onimusha remaster they did years back, Capcom is probably going to track how much this is downloaded and played to gauge interest in a new Dino Crisis. I still don't understand for the life of me why they didn't decide to revisit the series while the Jurassic World movies were raking in cash. It boggles my mind.