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Recent content by SpicySky

  1. SpicySky

    RE:3 Resident Evil 3 available in some stores in France, translated leaks in this thread.

    Hi, Word is the game is already available in some Parisian stores because of the current pandemic so some people got their hands on it and are currently talking about it in French internet communities. As a native French speaker I thought I would translate what's leaked so far and post it all...
  2. SpicySky

    RE:3 RE:3 Demo coming March 19

    There's a lot of things I enjoyed in that demo, like the look of the city or how there's an emphasis on exploration to collect ammo and health items and also the gunplay for the handgun. Even the soundtrack blows RE2 Remake's out of the water from what I've heard so far. From the save room theme...
  3. SpicySky

    OT OT Game Discussion

    A part of me hopes that this is not going to happen. The last Silent Hill games were so far away from what made the original Silent Hill games great that I wish the series would be put to rest forever.
  4. SpicySky

    General Fav YT'ers?

    Residence of Evil and Score PN are the main two RE channels I watch.
  5. SpicySky

    RE:3 A new RE3 trailer released

    Looks like we'll get to see a pretty vulnerable Jill this time around, can't wait!
  6. SpicySky

    RE:3 Announcement Trailer

    Chances are I'll play the game with the vanilla model for Jill and if I'm not used to it by then I'll download a mod for her to look like she did in the remake of the first game. Also wow, I've just noticed that she's carrying a glock in those pictures, I hope we'll still get to use her Samurai...
  7. SpicySky

    General DSC

    I'm playing Resident Evil on the PC, currently working on a knife run in an attempt to get every achievement before the release of REmake 3.
  8. SpicySky

    General Weird Moments in Resident Evil

    Marvin in RE3, unconscious in a room full of zombies without them reacting to him and Jill not even noticing he's in fact not dead.
  9. SpicySky

    Resistance Project Resistance gameplay trailer

    It's crazy how this game reminds me of Zombie Master, which was a mod for Half-Life 2 in which a player taking on the mastermind role would make zombies spawn in order to kill off every human player before they could accomplish objectives around the map. I'll definitely try the game out and...
  10. SpicySky

    General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

    Here are mine: - I think Leon as a character has little to no redeeming qualities whatsoever. - RE4, while not a bad game at all is overrated and the reason for the series' downfall up until RE7. - RE0 is a tedious game full of wasted opportunities. - I wish we had RE 1.5. instead of RE2 as we...
  11. SpicySky

    Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Thank you!
  12. SpicySky

    General Stranded on an island, one RE game forever...

    My favorite has to be Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. - We get to explore the city for a huge part of the game which is pretty awesome and a nice change from the first two games. - Better gameplay with ammo powders, the dodge system, multiple choices at some points and randomized enemy placements in...
  13. SpicySky

    General Favorite OSTs

  14. SpicySky

    Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Hi! SpicySky here, from France. My first experience with the RE series was back when RE2 was released for the PC, I remember my siblings playing the game and me being way too young to join in on the fun so I would just watch them play. I remember playing once and dying on the first zombie as...
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