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Recent content by Spera01

  1. Spera01

    General PlayStation State of Play 12th Feb

    Not sure why I watch these live anymore. I'm so sick of hearing about Monster Hunter and this is coming from someone who sunk 200+ hours into World. Onimusha looks great but its a bit concerning that we've seen two trailers for that which is out next year and still haven't heard a word on the...
  2. Spera01

    OT OT Game Discussion

    Guess I spoke too soon. Just got the email that I was selected. Very excited!
  3. Spera01

    OT OT Game Discussion

    Jealous, looks like I wasn't selected. Definitely post impressions!
  4. Spera01

    Other Dino Crisis 1 & 2 released on PC

    This was such a nice surprise to wake up to. Bought them immediately, can't wait to play around with some mods.
  5. Spera01

    General RE Origins PS5/XSX (Rumor)

    I'm definitely down! I've been playing with two other buddies so sounds like it'd be easy to get a full crew going. That'd be a blast! Oh shit. I had no idea OB Tracker existed, I'll have to get it. We've been streaming in Discord and using voice chat though, feels essential nowadays.
  6. Spera01

    General RE Origins PS5/XSX (Rumor)

    Oh I own the GOG ports. I want physical remasters on PlayStation with trophy support though because I'm a trophy whore. :ROFLMAO: Dead Aim I'd be fine with just a remaster to be honest. It's not my favorite entry in the series and I think the T+G Virus doing what it does is such a ridiculous...
  7. Spera01

    General RE Origins PS5/XSX (Rumor)

    Eh, I'm not sure that I have much of a desire to rebuy these games yet again but its cool that Capcom is keeping these available regularly on modern platforms. Now give us a classic collection with the OG RE1, RE2 and RE3 on consoles or PS2 collection with Dead Aim/Outbreak and I'll be there...
  8. Spera01

    General What's next?

    I think all signs are pointing to RE9 being next. It's been in development the longest from what we know and with the director teasing it back last Summer, I think a reveal sometime this year is very likely. RE0 Remake is probably after and then Code Veronica after that.
  9. Spera01

    RE0 Nintendo acquiring marketing rights to RE:0?

    History repeats itself if so. Either way, as long as it still releases across all major platforms on day one and isn't a timed exclusive, that's fine by me.
  10. Spera01

    RE9 Resident Evil 9 plot rumours...

    Man, nothing compares to the lead up to RE5 for me. What an exciting time. It was right around the time I started to actively get engaged in the RE community as well. Every single snippet of information was so exciting. I still remember the reveal of bird lady and everyone going crazy wondering...
  11. Spera01

    RE9 Resident Evil 9 plot rumours...

    Unfortunately Dusk Golem has confirmed this information is fake and does not line up with what he knows about RE9.
  12. Spera01

    Other Dino Crisis locked behind PS+ Premium

    I know I'm in the minority here but I do like DC3 to an extent. I wish Capcom made it a spin off or a new IP like Exoprimal rather than calling it DC3 though. The weird dino hybrid designs in that game are amazing and I absolutely would buy a remaster. I think a remaster could improve the...
  13. Spera01

    Other Dino Crisis locked behind PS+ Premium

    Dino Crisis is now up on PSN for PS4/PS5 but unfortunately like RE1 Directors Cut, is locked behind PS+ Premium with no way of purchasing it otherwise. Even if you own a copy on PS3, Sony is not honoring your prior purchase and letting you download it for free like they do with other classics...
  14. Spera01

    RE9 RE9 at Summer Next?

    RE9 is not being made with UE5. There's no reason to think it will be anything other than RE Engine or the improved REX engine.
  15. Spera01

    Other Silent Hill 2's success

    Best Buy was good to me and I received my copy 4 days early on Saturday. Been playing it off and on since (juggling Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero, social life and work) but I'm about halfway through the hospital. The atmosphere is superb and Bloober really nailed it. To be honest, I had my doubts...
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