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Recent content by RipvanX

  1. RipvanX

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    The Ali Show - Who is the protagonist of RE9? but it wont post here even on desktop, I found it quite funny ;p It wont post on the forum for some reason. *Edit Nevermind I figured it out.
  2. RipvanX

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    I’ll have to edit this later mobile sucks for posting videos on forums.
  3. RipvanX

    General Some love for RE6...

    If there is one thing I can say about RE6 haters is that almost all of them only played the game once back in 2012 and never touched it again. This video proves how delusional some of these “fans” are towards the game when others in the franchise deserve much more criticism. Him stating the...
  4. RipvanX

    RE:1 So RE1 may be getting remade again...

    This would be one of those rare instances where I wouldn’t mind them retconning RE0 and just combining it into an RE:1 where the game can be greatly expanded upon and have more areas to explore in the Arklay Mountains. This can serve to make the plots of both games flow much better together. One...
  5. RipvanX

    RE9 Potential release date leak

    If you look closely it’s IX.. the Roman numeral I is hidden in the L at the end.
  6. RipvanX

    General Some love for RE6...

    I actually used to hate RE5 a lot more, my feelings towards RE6 were always more lethargic because it felt like the main story ended in the previous game. So the hatred others developed for RE6 is pretty hypocritical when previous games have already explored these concepts. The RE Engine game...
  7. RipvanX

    General Are the Remakes canon?

    I would put them in separate timelines to help differentiate and avoid confusion. At the moment, they really should do an RE:1 to help the reimaginings flow together in their own timeline. When it comes to canon, it really is left to interpretation, as even the most dedicated lore enthusiasts...
  8. RipvanX

    OT OT Discussion

    I find it funny that all these indie devs have been influenced by the RE2 Remake, so we are seeing a flood of that style again, albeit it’s pretty lukewarm. When you stick to a hobby for a long time you see the 1’s and 0’s unfortunately and can’t enjoy things the same way. I envy those who can...
  9. RipvanX

    OT OT Discussion

    Welcome back! Hope everything is alright with ya. Yeah sometimes it’s best to move on to greener pastures and refocus our lives on what is more important. In terms of story, I am also pretty exhausted of it myself and am not interested in the X-Men/internal mind stuff they been injecting into...
  10. RipvanX

    General Chris Redfield's game appearances, ranked on Game Rant...

    That’s what happens when an IP going on for 30 years soon has so many writers and developers with their own version of what RE should be. I miss when Flagship took over and had control of character motivations and development. There was consistency for the most part up until 2012 when Rev1...
  11. RipvanX

    General Chris Redfield's game appearances, ranked on Game Rant...

    1) RE5 - A hero who persevered through self doubts and overcoming a long lived rivalry that threatened the fate of mankind. 2) RE6 - A broken hero coming to terms with the loss of his men while trying to prevent a 2nd world ending event. 3) CVX - A brother hellbent on saving his only sibling and...
  12. RipvanX

    RE9 Pathogen Predictions

    Will the mold make a return yet again? If so, perhaps it can be used to help strengthen a preexisting virus to make something like the Cameron Virus. I personally would like for them to canonize 4D Executor or reimagine it to make it more relevant. Since Miranda was a shapeshifter and the...
  13. RipvanX

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    Finally have my marathon document finished, added some fancy art to it to make it more appealing. I almost considered cutting out The Struggle, Little Miss, and Shadows of Rose along with RE1/4 OG but naaaah, I will suffer through it ALL again. Once a major title is announced that actually...
  14. RipvanX

    General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we get an actual RE:1 for the 30th anniversary… but given Capcoms track record they seem to like releasing shoddy multiplayer games for anniversaries like Umbrella Corps for the 20th and they tried releasing Re:Verse for the 25th but it got delayed which was quite...
  15. RipvanX

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    My RE9 Plot Summary; They could pull an Evangelion where two different alien species planted the Megamycete and Progenitor Flower which would cause friction between the alien races as they both want to influence the evolution of life in their own visions. So an all out war breaks out causing...
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