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Recent content by MrSpooky

  1. MrSpooky

    Movies Death Island

    if they were gonna use Zasha, at least should had used her REVERSE version with RE5 hair.
  2. MrSpooky

    RE9 Jill in RE9?

    Yeah, Patricia Jay Lee is hands down the most emotional speaking voice for Jill Valentine but if we can't get those girls Id love to see Julia Voth, Sienna Guillory for Jill, and Ali Larter for Claire.
  3. MrSpooky

    RE9 Jill in RE9?

    I would love a game featuring Jill and Claire working together but it has to be fun and light hearted. With some fight scenes like this:
  4. MrSpooky

    General Resident Evil producer of 27 years, ready to move on...

    I agree they are the best and my favorite content, the ONLY thing that I didn't like about Damnation was the ending because it defeats any logic of zombies turning back to humans and it raises a lot of questions as if someone that already eaten other humans, how would they live knowing they did...
  5. MrSpooky

    General Not surprisingly, the Netflix series is no more!

    Capcom just got tons of money for the Netflix show tho, Capcom has no morals.
  6. MrSpooky

    General The 1980 movie Alligator inspired a boss in RE2...

    nvm, you were just quoting him, I just get easily confused with people's alts and stuff. Why did you got banned?
  7. MrSpooky

    General The 1980 movie Alligator inspired a boss in RE2...

    Are you the same Goldsickle from Gamefaqs????????
  8. MrSpooky

    General Not surprisingly, the Netflix series is no more!

    Why am I not surprised, on gamefaqs people treat you like shit if you dare to talk the truth about that show, I hate how that site is so over controlled.
  9. MrSpooky

    General The 1980 movie Alligator inspired a boss in RE2...

    yeah people say RE4-RE6 copy Milla Jovovich movies but they forget the first trilogy copy B movies too.
  10. MrSpooky

    Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

    it doesn't suit Resident Evil, it just turns the franchise into a cheap slasher gory horror, but it's okay if you wanna defend it to death. I felt the horror in 7 and Village was handled in a way a bit trashier. Cheap shock.
  11. MrSpooky

    Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

    to be honest, I don't know why you gave me the vibe you were gonna complain about my paraphrasing of Chris working with Umbrella, I was tired when I wrote it, and I'm very aware of that, you trying to criticize the semantics it's just a poor attempt to show you were right on something little...
  12. MrSpooky

    Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

    I don't see it, the constant masochist tones were vomit-inducing, but it's okay if you enjoy it a lot.
  13. MrSpooky

    Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

    the series is NOT consistent. Did you even play RE5 to Village or you are one of those groupies that can't see wrong? Let's take note of the cgi, side games, and mangas. And now let's roll back. They hired an American writer for 7, he got the great idea of Blue Umbrella, Chris working for them...
  14. MrSpooky

    Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

    I blame them for keep changing directors and each director wants to make their own take of RESIDENT EVIL, instead of helping the lore they are arrogant and are like, I can do better than the previous one. You can tell there's a huge difference between 7 and Village when it comes to the story...
  15. MrSpooky

    General Resident Evil producer of 27 years, ready to move on...

    sad to be gone, he was part of the most fun experiences in the franchise, the cgi movies, and the action games, he added his spice to Milla movies too, so idk what is going to be in the future without his knowledge. He wrote Degeneration and Infinite Darkness and produced Damnation and...
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