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Recent content by George Trevor

  1. George Trevor

    Gun Survivor Resident Evil Dead Aim

    In my defense I managed to make it to my fourth paragraph before the unreasonable, ill-thought through RE5 bashing. I still view the whole narrative, the files, it's connection back to the early timeline as being the series highpoint. I cannot see a HD remaster as likely, but for that great mix...
  2. George Trevor

    Gun Survivor Resident Evil Dead Aim

    I had to do it! I feel it's not so much people underate this game, more than many have passed on it, maybe presuming it not to hold any meritable value to the series narrative, or think back to the first Survivor game (which has imo the best RE narrative in the series, but that's another...
  3. George Trevor

    OT Website Biohaze Website

    I always loved the social interraction between members on the original Biohaze with a points system for contributions etc. I noticed a similar system here, but I'm not sure you can 'friend' other members?
  4. George Trevor

    RE:3 Will we see RE:3 this year?

    Considering the very average remake of RE2 that was mostly devoid of any character development or meaningful interractions, none of the original's atmosphere, and appalling texture detail, and now that the wonderful RE2 and RE3 seamless HD projects are fully playable and looking outstanding...
  5. George Trevor

    OT Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Hello I feel so old... what happened to Big Stu? Is he here? Anyway, this new Biohaze looks amazing, makes me feel my own mansion needs a bit of an update, I wonder if Yama can recommend a good site builder?! It's great to see many familiar faces from 'back in the day', I feel this is a very...
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