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Recent content by FireMadePrime

  1. FireMadePrime

    General Game Picking Quiz

    If I had $16 I'd buy RE5, RE6, REV1 and REV2. But since I only have $15 I'll get RE5, RE6, REV1 and original RE1.
  2. FireMadePrime

    RE5 RE5 vs RE6

    For me is Resident Evil 5, but I love them both. The why I prefer RE5 is cause of the story and characters. I kind of hate Leon, so any game without him is a win for me, plus in my opinion the best Jill is the one from RE5. I really enjoy until this day playing the RE5 campaign. I love Chris...
  3. FireMadePrime

    General A Resident Evil Test

    1. Well, Resident Evil 1 was my first resident evil game, and it got me interested on the series. 2. Resident Evil 5 3. All the locations in RE5 4. Magnum 5. RE5 6. RE1 7. Chris Redfield 8. RE5 9. Chris in RE5 ending, I don't remember the line but is the one he says during the chopper...
  4. FireMadePrime

    General Favourite Game In The Series?

    My number 1 favorite is Resident Evil 5. Reasons: - I love Chris Redfield and this Story was for him. He was this time the only main character with all the others as a supporting characters. - Loved all the supporting characters, Jill, Wesker, Sheva, Excella, Josh, great cast in my opinion. -...
  5. FireMadePrime

    General 2012 and 2021 are the most RE packed years for Capcom. Which do you like more? For me it's 2012 EASILY.

    Wow, these pictures were really helpful. Thanks. 2012 for sure for me. Loved Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil Revelations 1, as well as both Damnation and Retribution.
  6. FireMadePrime

    RE6 Why RE6 is one of the best RE's

    Thank you. Sorry took so long for the reply. What annoyed me about Helena was actually Leon LOL. My God, Helena avoided tell the truth about her reasons for so long and Leon just took it. Kept waiting and waiting. That made annoyed. I also didn't like how she got a free card of jailed after...
  7. FireMadePrime

    General Name five things you currently hate about Resident Evil...

    I could name a lot more than just 5 things I currently hate about Resident Evil. But I'll stick with only 5 main things. 1- First Person: I hate first person games. All of them. I've only played RE7 around 2 years after its release, only to catch up with the story of the series. RE8 I only...
  8. FireMadePrime

    General Mainline RE Story Ranking

    SSS - RE5 SS - RE6, Revelations 1 S - Revelations 2 A - Remake 1, Remake 2, RE8 B - Remake 3, RE4 C - RE1, RE2, RE3, RECV D - RE0 E - RE7 I realize this answer is the same as the other topic about my favorite resident evil games. Is just that when I rank a game I always take into consideration...
  9. FireMadePrime

    General RE Games: Best to Worst

    SSS - RE5 SS - RE6, Revelations 1 S - Revelations 2 A - Remake 1, Remake 2, RE8 B - Remake 3, RE4 C - RE1, RE2, RE3, RECV D - RE0 E - RE7
  10. FireMadePrime

    RE6 Why RE6 is one of the best RE's

    Resident Evil 6 in my opinion is one of the best Resident Evil game ever made, alongside Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations 1 and Resident Evil 8 (the one thing I just don't like about RE8 is being first person and Ethan not having a face, the rest is amazing). 1- 4 Campaigns that...
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