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Recent content by cvxfreak

  1. cvxfreak

    General Anan Magazine Shinji Mikami and Jun Takeuchi Interview (English Translation)

  2. cvxfreak

    General Capcom recruiting RE ambassadors to test game currently in development

    Applied to participate. Here goes nothing!
  3. cvxfreak

    RE:2 RE:2 The big differences between the 1998 & 2019 releases

    Over three years after its initial video announcement, the remake of Capcom’s Resident Evil 2 is now out! Gamers young and old can now re-experience the beloved 32-bit survival horror classic with more than just a brand-new coat of paint. Those familiar with the original will surely find within...
  4. cvxfreak

    Revelations Meeting Michiteru Okabe, Producer of Revelations 2

    At GDC 2018 in San Francisco, I met Capcom R&D1 studio member and Producer of Resident Evil Revelations 2, Michiteru Okabe. We spent some time chatting about Biohazard (in Japanese) over drinks, and it was interesting to gain some insight as to what his thoughts on the series are. The meeting...
  5. cvxfreak


    Read review: https://biohaze.com/review-biohazard-valiant-raid/
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