How would you rank the viruses / other infectious material from most to least favourite?
These articles list all of them as of now.
Edit: T-phobos and mold arent available on project umbrella however they still exist on biohaze.
They can be read here. Cadou isnt created anywhere as of now though.

Virus Analysis
The Resident Evil/Biohazard series is home to hundreds of different monsters, created by a vast assortment of mutagens. Virus Analysis is my attempt to categorize and explain all of them.

Biological Agents
These articles list all of them as of now.
Edit: T-phobos and mold arent available on project umbrella however they still exist on biohaze.
Virus - Virus Analysis: t-Phobos
The Tyrant-Phobos Virus was developed by a research team under Alex Wesker on Sushestvovanie Island, for the purpose of singling out mentally strong individuals, creating super humans, and for B.O.W. development. This Analysis repeatedly references "t-Wesker", Uroboros, and the t-Virus. I...

Virus - The Mold
The Mold is currently a mystery, with no definate origin yet revealed. We don't even know what it's called. Some have expressed frustration trying to understand it, while others have gone so far as to dismiss the idea of trying to take it seriously. I've heard similiar statements made towards...

They can be read here. Cadou isnt created anywhere as of now though.
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