Hello I feel so old... what happened to Big Stu? Is he here? Anyway, this new Biohaze looks amazing, makes me feel my own mansion needs a bit of an update, I wonder if Yama can recommend a good site builder?! It's great to see many familiar faces from 'back in the day', I feel this is a very great time for the community. So for people that may not know my name is George Trevor, I used to live at Project Umbrella.net, THIA, and the original Biohaze.
Myself and the Crimson Head Elder team (I see TheOracleDragon is here too!) maintain a little Survival Horror website called 'Crimson Head Elder', where we also produce a podcast that can often have a special guest, ranging from a developer (Yasuhisa Aoyama, Satoshi Nakai), composer (Raj Ramayya), to one of the actors (Alyson Court, Paul Haddad). I also can be heard knowing very little about the series surrounded by experts on the 'Project Umbrella Podcast'.
Favourite Resident Evil games are Resident Evil HD remaster, Resident Evil Zero (you're all wrong!), Dead Aim (better than most the main titled games imo), Code: Veronica X, and Resident Evil 3 (like RE2 only better!)
I also live in England with Huskies.