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General Some love for RE6...

The mishandling of every character is sad, I know. It's like when Hollywood reboots everything. Or they do sequels where they act like certain characters did not die, even when you know they did. Like Laurie in Halloween. This was because she died at the institution. They knew the series sucked after that. They had Rob Zombie come in for the remake. Robert Englund hated the remake where Freddy was played by someone else. Etc, etc.

RE becoming an action series was what both saved and destroyed it. Which is ironically funny, because it's true. But can you imagine if Silent Hill tried this? You would hear them cry blasphemy.


So ı'm going to say this here but as of now, my playtime for re5 has taken over csgo's as the 3rd place on steam. With re4 and re6 being the 2nd and most played games of all time on steam respectively.

Re6, 9044 hours
Re4, 1097 hours
Re5, 776 hours



This is another positive video ı found. It talks about whether re6 should get a remake or not. I actually enjoyed this one even though ı dont think re6, like any game after the 1st one before re7, needs one at all. It feels more modern than re engine games which feel more outdated than re6 to me.



So this is a video ı encountered before. I watched some portion of it only to not bother further cause ı wasnt enjoying it but now ı watched it fully and ı think ı can say that this is the worst re6 video that exists on internet. There were quite an amount of stinkers ı watched but this one defeats the entire point of the game's story. Despite there are some positives, they also dont feel placed properly and ı found myself disagreeing about them as well. Other than re6, he also hypocritically dislikes re:3 only to like re:2 that got on my nerves, he should have used the previous versions of the games rather than re engine versions, especially when re engine games came after re6.

I made a long counterreply to this video so ı'll share that by copy pasting it here:

" Leon realizes that if ada has a clone, it means there's 2 of her out there. "

No he doesnt. He simply thinks ada is an experimental bow all this time but ada leaves the evidence to leon and helena which would prove simmons' crimes and that would include carla's transformation into ada but before that, he wouldnt have any reason to assume there being another ada like everyone else other than ada herself.

" This is the 1st time leon and chris have met in the series... "

They met before. In recv, leon helped chris find claire and after degeneration's events, they also met in a secret meeting. That's how they were able to recognize each other in the game.

" Do you see the problem "


" It's an excellent idea to return chris to active duty "

That's cause it is.

" 1st chapter adds nothing to the story other than... "

So it adds something then?

" We're out of ideas "

More like this video is out of ideas.

" We demonstrate one of the biggest problems with these crossover sections, they play out exactly the same in both campaigns "

Except they dont. Depending to the character played as, other aı controlled characters might behave differently and not every intersection parts are as similar as to each other compared to other ones.

" If the gameplay was... "

But it is. This video isnt.

" And chris is so close to capturing ada... "

He was going to kill her. Leon brought him back to his senses by bringing out the bigger picture.

" Two main issues with chris' campaign "

None of them

" All streets, buildings and rooftops over and over again "

How is that an issue? You repeat environments in previous games. And not every street, building and rooftop is the same.

" And now we know where the story is going... "

No you dont when you were playing for the 1st time. Unless you spoiled yourself or something which is something that negatively biased anti-re6 cultists do.

" The game becomes a slog... "

No it doesnt. Your video is though along with ads filled to it which is tedious.

" Chris' character development takes place entirely in his own head "

No it doesnt. His soldiers sacrifice his life for his captain, that adds development to his character.

" Amnesiac, fueled on revenge, introspective and humble "

Which adds chris development in a way that he didnt have before.

" Why did this moment cause this response? Chris should be furious with leon... "

No he shouldnt. Chris respects leon and they both have respect to each other due to experiences with biohazards.

" Chris cant take the shot "

But he does by shooting carla's weapon. He wasnt going to kill her at that point, he was going to arrest her.

" They fly to an underwater facility where... oh, they got out on their own... "

No they dont cause chris and piers release jake and sherry from their confinement.

" This moment makes no sense... "

Yes it does and you dont need to read the files to understand it.

" Chris has never shown any regret for killing wesker... "

That's cause he doesnt need to nor he needs to show it here.

" Jake's right to avenge his father "

He was going to avenge his mother by finding his father and chris took that chance from jake by defeating wesker which made jake furious at chris.

" Why would giving jake the option to kill chris help anyone? "

It wouldnt. But jake was still struggling and nearly missed chris.

" But of course, jake doesnt "

Yeah cause that would have been problematic since ı dont see how piers alone would take care of haos.

" Chris is probably deaf... "

Why? After all the previous encounters he had, a bullet not making him deaf is out of place now. Especially after recv and re5's events?

" You can see how little was added... "

Plenty was added and it's still more than this video does.

" Jake is somehow immune... "

Sherry explains it in the cutscene and you still dismiss it.

" Jake and sherry's campaign doesnt feel like it belongs here and that's a compliment... "

That statement makes no sense nor is it a compliment.

" It should have been its own game "

All of the campaigns are their own game.

" Jake was created cause... "

He was created cause capcom was planning to bring back wesker to the game but they discarded this idea at the right moment before creating jake.

" This game would never allow it "

But it does.

" It's not every day you find out the father you never knew was a terrorist. "

That's a common trope.

" Sherry heads out to deliver jake to her agency... "

It's simmons.

" And this could have worked if jake had any interest in knowing his father... "

Which he does but he doesnt have any reason to mention it especially when sherry didnt mention annette nor had any reason to mention her so why would jake mention his mom either?

" But jake wrote off his father years ago and hasnt seemed to have had much interest in finding him "

Except he does. The files in the game state this and you dont need to look up to re net to see the expanded portion cause they already tell enough info in the game.

" So why would this moment get such a reaction? "

Cause jake was angry at chris due to chris taking jake's chance of confronting his father by taking jake's chance to confront him.

" Re6 is the closest ada having her own game "

Finally a moment that makes sense.

" What does carla want? "

Destroying the world with her chaotic vision as opposed to simmons' order.

" She's not joker "

That's cause wesker is.

" Her endgame "

Which this game is about regarding her chaotic destruction plan.

" Chaos for chaos' sake is a dull plan. "

No it isnt. Other than marcus / queen leech, no other antagonist wanted that. I think trying to evolve the world with excuses thrown to the player is bland and boring.

" You cant control chaos. "

Which carla doesnt have any reason to cause she wants to destroy everything.

" Even if you win, what did you gain? "

Nothing cause carla doesnt want anyone to win, including herself.

" What does she think is going to happen... "

The world being destroyed through chaos?

" She's only interested in saving one "

She saves much more people than leon which is another way to develop ada's character.

" If you've never experienced a great re game before... "

Which ı did by playing this game and entering the series with it.

" How do you fix re6 "

Nothing cause it's perfect as it is.

" The pacing slows... "

It literally has faster pace than the previous games, even the slower moments are faster than the other games in the series except outbreak games.

" In the 1st campaign, we learned that simmons cloned ada "

No you only learn this in ada's campaign, there isnt any reason for other characters to assume there being another ada rather than ada being an experimental bow all along.

" We dont have to question... "

Which you do like how everyone else does.

" waiting impatiently... "

Speak for yourself. I was patient while playing the game for the 1st time and enjoying myself fine.

" While you could play the campaigns in any order... "

Which renders your so called " fixing " irrelevant.

" Most players will start at the top and then work their way down "

Which ı did and was able to enjoy the story fine without any problems.

" 1st change "


" Swap leon and jake's campaign slots... "

How would that change anything? You can still play the campaigns in any order, ı guess you're gonna remove that too? Hard pass.

" Repetitive content "

You're making it sound like the previous games dont have repetitive content or something. In re6, the campaigns connect to each other and even doing the same thing can vary more than the other games.

" So the crossover sections could and should vary... "

Which they do.

" Chris' campaign needs a stronger throughline... "

It's the best one chris still has in the series.

" Would chris care that wesker has a son "

It wouldnt be any different to him knowing birkin having a daughter, assuming he knew it before hand and not after wesker's defeat in re5.

" Ada was an accomplice to wesker "

Yeah but she isnt in this game. That was concluded in re4 with re5 concluding wesker as well.

" Why would chris not know ada "

Why would he? Ada is a spy, most dont have any reason to know her and that includes everyone in bsaa.

" Jake's campaign can set the tone for the rest of the game "

All of the campaigns set the tone for the rest of the game fine.

" Other than sherry, we're holding back the legacy characters... "

So you're not holding back sherry then who's a legacy character?

" How to fix re6 "

You asked this question before.

" Instead of ustanak being invincible, make it take damage and heal "

Why? It's not a regular j'avo, j'avos take damage and heal, how would ustanak be unique from them if it behaved like regular j'avos?

" Sherry has some of the only real character moments... "

All of the characters go through character development.

" I wish sherry would go down jill's path from re3... "

Which she does due to being infected in raccoon by her father followed by taken into custody by the government. Unless you mean getting sherry one of wesker's servants or something which is a hard pass cause she has chemistry with jake fine.

" Standing her ground against ustanak with jake's help "

Which she does in the game.

" Missed opportunity "

No it isnt but your video is.

" Jake took mercenary jobs cause he wanted to save up to find his father "

He took mercenary jobs cause he was trying to help his mother.

" We know in the files... "

Which they state that jake took mercenary jobs to avenge his mother.

" Lets give jake the moment of vulnerability "

But he already goes through character development in the game, how would that make his storyline better?

" And that will hurt so much more... "

No thanks.

" Sherry always knew jake's father was wesker "

She didnt always know jake being wesker's son, she was suspicious from him like how chris does in edonia but before carla telling this, why would sherry have any reason to tell this to jake?

" We dont know that anyone has been cloned "

Other than ada, none needs to nor has any reason to point this out.

" Setting ada as the villain "

The game already does its job fine, unless you make ada one rather than carla posing as ada which is hard pass.

" He'll never get to meet his father "

Which this game already concludes fine.

" And this pushes sherry further down the path... "

Again the game already does this.

" But what she could have become too "

She already became one cause of her father and she became one before ustanak existed.

" Her agency is scrambling cause of president's death "

Why would her agency scramble cause of benford's death? Her agency wasnt tasked of protecting benford, there are separate agencies with separate tasks.

" She's determined to get back to hq and sort this out "

But that's leon's quest, not sherry's.

" So there's no stakes... "

Yes there is.

" What if the teams were split up with different roles "

That would be unnecessary.

" Sherry wants to bring leon in for shooting president... "

Why would she want that? She wasnt in tall oaks nor anyone has a reason to bring one of dso's founding members to arrest.

" This is the only one that doesnt show the attack on tatchi at all "

Cause they were captured.

" Chris robbed jake of something he cares about "

This already happened in the game.

" Without spoiling the meal "

You already spoiled the game's plot previously.

" Chris will require major surgery "

No it doesnt.

" He and bsaa have been dismantling wesker's work since re5 "

This has been happening ever since 2003, much before re5's events.

" Hoping to seize wesker's research from his server, needing a blood sample of him "

Why would they seize wesker's research, he already leaked perfected t-virus into black market which created an age of bioterror, how would seizing wesker's research change anything?

" Research reaching the black market would result in anyone having a bioweapon "

Except any bioterrorist can have any which they've been established this way.

" None being able to produce wesker's blood will make his research locked forever "

No it doesnt cause alex already obtained wesker's blood after the events of re5 and again wesker already leaked the virus to black market.

" Bsaa turned their efforts into toward wesker's known accomplices, including ada wong "

She's not an accomplice of wesker in re6, that was concluded in re4.

" Skip the 1st chapter "

So you're cutting a chapter now, seriously?

" Ada has been spotted among the outbreak "

Why are you still referring to carla as ada?

" Chris and piers destroy the anti-air cannons and use the mounted guns to lure out the giant bows while jake and sherry deliver killing blows "

That would reduce the variety, why strip the players from options, including being able to kill ogromen while playing as chris and piers?

" Chris isnt here for jake but for ada "

He isnt in edonia for any of them.

" In china, wesker's data was accessed and the town is overrun with bows "

This was happening ever since 2003.

" Chris is obsessed with finding ada but their intelligence support is spread thin due to president's death from leon "

Bsaa is separate from dso and other us agencies.

" Chris wants to use jake and sherry to lure out ada "

That would be out of character for chris.

" I promise you we dont "

Except they do which is about defeating bioterrorism, you missed the point with leon's line.

" Tells leon he's welcome to chase simmons with bsaa going after ada "

Which already happens in the game.

" The missiles are about to launch on tatchi and ada tells chris and piers only she can stop it "

Still referring to carla as ada and why would carla stop the missiles, especially when they can cause distraction?

" This is the moment where that moment in the warehouse with piers should have happened "

No cause it wouldnt fit unlike the way the game portrays.

" I'd remove the ground cutscenes and save them for leon "

Why? It's relevant for chris too, he can see the missile being launched.

" Chris wouldnt be able to see this "

Yes he does.

" Chris puts it together regarding jake being wesker's son "

How would he put it? There isnt any evidence to prove jake being wesker's son until sherry sending the data to leon.

" Using jake to unlock his virus data "

Again, out of character.

" He doesnt know if jake is part of neo-umbrella "

Why would he?

" Chris interrogates jake... "

That would take longer than what the game portrays.

" Chris tries to calm jake... "

Not as good as telling jake to shoot him if it would make jake feel better.

" You dont know how this feels... "

Except chris does in the game.

" Chris pauses and sees the person he became over the last 6 months in jake "

No he doesnt. Jake didnt take mercenary jobs for revenge, he took them to help his mom. He wasnt even suffering from ptsd and amnesia followed by revenge unlike chris does in the game, they are different people with their own characterizations.

" Chris tells jake the most important thing is to get jake's blood for a vaccine "

No the most important thing is for all of them to get out alive.

" If killing chris will get him to agree to that, he can "

No it wouldnt nor jake has any reason to do that by that point.

" It pins piers, he takes the virus, gets lightning powers and ... "

So... You changed all of this but you dont change anything regarding piers' dying? Seriously? Why not make him survive? It would be much more easier to do compared to all of those unnecessary changed that dont amount to anything.

" I'm having trouble thinking anything of changing leon's campaign... "

So... leon-re4 favoritism ı guess? Why not remove the 3rd chapter before adding elements of that into the 1st 2 chapters while adding another chapter in china instead?

" Cathedral, cathedral, cathedral, cathedral "

" Cathedral, cathedral, cathedral, cathedral "

" Cathedral, cathedral, cathedral, cathedral "

" Cathedral, cathedral, cathedral, cathedral "

Not funny.

" Why not tell right there "

Cause that would change anything?

" Helena fills claire role... "

She doesnt, claire wasnt even planned for this game. I would like to see claire in the game's story which you could do by adding another campaign for claire or something?

" There could be more chemistry between them "

Which there's plenty.

" Which ada promptly ruins "

She doesnt, if anything she adds more chemistry between leon and helena, especially when she toys with leon regarding his love for ada.

" And here, more than halfway through the game, now we learn that ada has a clone... "

Before playing ada's campaign, you dont learn about there being another ada, that's an out of place assumption you make with the game's story.

" Hunnigan mentions an outbreak in china with suspect being ada "

Why would she say that? Bsaa wouldnt have any reason to share " ada wong " detail, especially when it's an alias and according to them, such an identity may not exist.

" It goes great "

It doesnt?

" She's wearing blue "

And? Characters can wear different colored outfits, what's the big deal?

" Leon should have to choose between... "

No he doesnt need to, especially when he trusts chris.

" Leon's obsession with ada draws some parallels to simmons "

What the hell? Leon never kidnapped women before turning them into ada, simmons did. Not to mention leon flirts with plenty of women while simmons is only obsessed with ada and none else.

" This game should confront the fact that ada doesnt need leon to save her "

No it shouldnt and doesnt. Ada doesnt need leon to save her, especially when she can handle herself fine most of the time.

" It's time to let her go "

More like it's ada who should let leon go rather than the other way around. Leon appeared at plenty of stories without ada while ada never appeared in a story without leon. Re6 came close and after this, ada should get a story that doesnt have leon in it.

" The family, simmons illuminati... "

It's not illuminati, that's a gross misconception like raccoon being nuked thing. It doesnt control the world but us and it's concluded in the game.

" Who run the world from the shadows "

It doesnt cause according to ada, it runs us, not the entire world.

" This should be ada's game "

Which it is just like it's leon-helena's, chris-piers', sherry-jake's.

" Re6 is more interested in ada as a myth... "

Cause she's a spy and apparently she cant develop that way?

" The game's underdeveloped villains... "

They are as developed as they need to be and certainly more so than wesker who's overrated with an annoying fandom he has.

" We dont learn much about simmons... "

We learn as much as we need to.

" I want carla to win "

Even though she doesnt want to despite still getting as much as she needs to be?

" This is a chance to understand carla's motivations "

Which the game already explains.

" The same way he solves all of his problems "

That makes no sense cause simmons handles his problems differently.

" This might be carla's last chance to make sure simmons believe she's the real ada "

Except simmons already believes carla to be ada.

" Instead of against her will, carla volunteered to become ada "

That would be out of character.

" The video will be leaked on the internet... "

Why would any of them have any reason to leak a recording regarding a woman bursting out of a cocoon as ada, all naked, nor could this done in any way, especially due to vhs tapes not being able to be published on internet like that not to mention why would anyone have any reason to make a copy out of it if they can even do it?

" Simmons and leon fight on the passageway "

So ada doesnt fight against simmons?

" Why not me? I could have given you everything you'd ever want "

Which simmons already gives to carla and at this point, he assumes ada to be carla.

" No you couldnt "

Again he already did to carla so this dialogue is redundant.

" Steal simmons key "

But ada already obtained an item to unlock carla's lab regarding her ultimate creation, why make the players obtain another redundant key item?

" Simmons dies, believing ada was responsible for simmons' downfall, so carla wins "

That already happened in the game and carla already got as much as she needed to be.

" She still has one last card to play... "

Which the game concludes.

" I need to know "

Cause that would change anything?

" Carla's too smart to want chaos for chaos' sake "

Yeah cause world domination is somehow better?

" Lazy copout "

Cause world domination isnt?

" What if carla did all of this just to disrupt the family for long enough to make her final move "

Which she already did.

" If we could write an end game for carla, what would it be? "

This game is.

" Even striking tall oaks and lanshiang couldnt rid society of family's influence "

After this game, they are done from the series.

" A power struggle would be breaking out within the family "

They selected a new leader according to extra portion of re net files but since they are ditched with future ports, it's safe to say that re6 is a fully concluded story with absolutely no loose ends that needs any resolution along with no holes in it cause it's perfect.

" But if simmons wasnt dead "

He is.

" If he were to return alive "

No he wouldnt.

" Another simmons could seize... "

That was theorized before.

" Use to accomplish anything "

Which they did before and at this point, they wont anymore.

" That's hatching "

Which ada already destroys.

" Before any video can be leaked "

It cant be leaked cause that wouldnt work.

" The world will never know about neo-umbrella "

Except they do cause carla spread neo-umbrella all around the world.

" What's ada's arc and what's changed "

Her redeeming herself after her previous storylines as well as her development that changes her more by making her grow as a person.

" Someone offers ada a pile of money... "

She didnt do this or even the previous jobs just for money, she isnt a power obsessed person, she has her own true purpose.

" Ada finds a job she wouldnt take... "

Except she accepts the job at the end.

" So how did we do... "


" How much could you replace... "

None, leave this game alone.
If there is one thing I can say about RE6 haters is that almost all of them only played the game once back in 2012 and never touched it again. This video proves how delusional some of these “fans” are towards the game when others in the franchise deserve much more criticism. Him stating the crossover sections being a negative is hilarious when RE:2 fell flat on its face with that. Saying the game is long and tedious is why we are getting shorter games today with less content packed in. Capcom should just ignore the fandom entirely and form their own vision for the franchise going forward.
Ironically, RE6 is more RE than 4 and 5. Yet many people never say this.

There are only zombies in RE5's DLC, in the mansion. The other enemies are just African villagers, for most of the time.

When zombies aren't in RE, it feels like a different franchise altogether.
They call them lycans, though.

Yes, because they have bestial behavior and have formed a kind of pack. They don't even look like wolves.

The same reasoning was in CODE: Veronica where Alexander was called a vampire because the workers heard howling and thought that the place is haunted.

All these and other examples are no different from superhumans with necrosis, who were nicknamed "Zombies" because they look like the undead from horror flicks, but they are not Romero and Fulci's undead. The t-Virus doesn't even revive the dead.

These nicknames shouldn't be taken at face value.
I've mentioned all the enemies looking lame at one point. Although just not at the same time.

Mert and I just think the game is crap. It's rather silly, and boring. I even find RE4 to be somewhat dumb because of the gameplay style (mostly), but I can forgive it because it's an awesome game with enough enjoyment. It's just stupid how enemies drop ammo, etc, but many of them don't carry firearms. But in general, RE4 did kind of help to kick off the downfall of survival horror, since most titles thereafter copied its style. I'm just not keen on the fact you never feel creeped out very often because of all the Hollywood style action sequences.

4, 5 and 6 are all the same, still very enjoyable. 7 is so-so, but Capcom should have gotten a better actor to play Chris.

Do they even try anymore? Nah. The big bucks is where it's at now...
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