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General Which RE game has the best story?

In your opinion, which game in the series do you think has the best story?

For me; it's re6 followed closely by re5. I've liked the 4 campaigns connecting to each other, awesome voice acting, nice character interactions, interesting new villains and the files telling nice extra info about the game's story. I also like re5's story due to similar reasons.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
I think there's no contest here, RE5. The game is so well written that I honestly never expected something like that from a RE game (it always had a great story but not to the point of going into tiny details and making things perfectly come together).
Probably the really early ones. I like 2 especially. And 5 is definitely good for what it is, story-wise. It's not a scary game to play at all, though. The recent sequels are kind of terrible in every single way. :cautious:

It's funny to see the old game with a mansion, that had everything naturally terrifying from snakes to sharks and dogs, to the latest one with Hillbilly crazies and walking turds that walk towards people like they want to take another dump. Uh! Awful. :ROFLMAO:


The Artist Formerly Known As Mr. $miley
Code: Veronica offered a lot of story and character beats that I could appreciate which closed some doors and opened new ones up. It helped push the series forward (though whether Capcom properly continued from it is debatable). Might even be my favorite portrayals of Chris, Claire and Wesker. Also, the Ashfords were a surprising addition as far as antagonists go in this series. I loved the backstory they had and the lore that showed in its environment which spanned from a prison base in an island to mansion settings to an Antarctic snowy base. Not only that, the passage of time and changes made to the setting from Claire and Chris' perspectives were also fun to explore. The soundtrack does a damn good job alongside each pivotal moment. You can play a track and instantly remember the iconic moment that carries it.
Yeah. It was one of the best games. The Dreamcast in general is an underrated console. This also felt like one of the last games that truly felt like a sequel, as all the others went way off course.


Remake. It preserved the mystery and wonder and perfectly expanded on it with a ton of additional and well thought out lore. The story had suspense, wonderment, betrayal and a greater picture that you were fed peanuts about and knew was much bigger than you as it was uncovered. Sometimes less is more.

1 or 2.
3: Nemesis.
Revelations 2 (I liked it at least).


Revelations (not that I hate it, but feels too on its own).
6 (highly rank this as the worst sequel and gameplay to date).
7: Biohazard (I have mixed feelings about it, overall).

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
Code: Veronica offered a lot of story and character beats that I could appreciate which closed some doors and opened new ones up. It helped push the series forward (though whether Capcom properly continued from it is debatable). Might even be my favorite portrayals of Chris, Claire and Wesker. Also, the Ashfords were a surprising addition as far as antagonists go in this series. I loved the backstory they had and the lore that showed in its environment which spanned from a prison base in an island to mansion settings to an Antarctic snowy base. Not only that, the passage of time and changes made to the setting from Claire and Chris' perspectives were also fun to explore. The soundtrack does a damn good job alongside each pivotal moment. You can play a track and instantly remember the iconic moment that carries it.

RE1, CV and 5 form a perfectly connected story when you think about it. Agree with everything you said, one of the reasons why CV still is my favorite classic title from the outdated era (Remake doesn't count because it already is pretty realistic).
Saw this reply while browsing through reddit which ı agree with. These are some of my reasons why re5 and re6 have the best stories of the franchise imo.

" RE5 and RE6 storywise are arguably the most Resident Evil Resident Evil titles around and expanded upon plotlines that were either hinted at in games or reserved for supporting material.

1. RE5's eugenics reveal about Umbrella's true goal was hinted at for years, and was to be revealed back in Stylish, the game that became Devil May Cry. They just replaced Tony Redgrave with Wesker.

2. The Ndipaya plotline was itself recycled from "Castle", with an ancient civilisation ruled by an ancient Progenitor-infected superhuman king. In RE5, the Ndipaya are expanded upon as creating monsters with Progenitor (read: B.O.W.s), and ultimately being wiped out in an outbreak when the monsters escaped, thus giving us a disturbing exploration of the inevitability of bio-weaponry. Picture Chris' opening "more and more I find myself wondering if this is all worth fighting for" when he learns about *that*.

3. RE6 confirmed why the US government bombed Raccoon City, then forced the President's resignation in covering it up. Turns out it wasn't to stop the infection spreading at all, since we knew since RE2 that beyond the Mountains is tens of miles of empty Plains. The revelation is that the government blew up the city to prevent the Chinese getting hold of footage of B.O.W.s, which would have given them ideas in how their own B.O.W. project should progress.

4. RE6 also answered whether or not the government is still making B.O.W.s as hinted in their need for Sherry. Turns out no, they definitely did disavow, them, but The Family is essentially doing the work for them as a private entity all as part of a nationalist endeavour to beat the Chinese. This is essentially a repeat of Wesker's Report II's wink-wink-nudge-nudge that Umbrella was making B.O.W.s for the US military as a way of circumventing the Bio Weapons Convention to beat the Soviets. The political themes in RE have always been there, even before RE5's "terrorists love selling to Africa rebels" idea - they just weren't put on the spotlight so we were easy to not notice. "
It’s a tie between 2 and 5 for me with best story. Both games were made with the intention of ending certain plot lines. They introduced Raccoon City’s downfall and the spread of bioterrorism. These themes have been copy and pasted in subsequent games ever since. (5 was a better origin story than 0 lol)

CVX and REV 2 come in 2nd for me. RE1 gets an honorable mention for getting things started.
Yeah. I agree with the last two choices. The Ashfords and Alex Wesker are amongst the best villains. The games have great atmosphere and I love the references to prior titles, and I also did not mind Claire's new voice actress. I liked the entries more than RE6.
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Resident Evil Director's Cut, because I liked the mansion. In fact, if I ever win the lottery, which I do play once in a while, I'll have it built here.

I liked Leon's Scenarios in Resident Evil 2.

I enjoyed the atomic blast from Resident Evil 3.

I liked the reunion between Chris and Claire in CODE: Veronica X.

I also liked the second half of Resident Evil 5 where Chris reunited with Jill and has a final battle against Wesker.
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