Yeah. At this rate, I think some RE fans will take anything Capcom cranks out. So aliens are definitely something Capcom could add well into the future. They already had a dinosaur man in 6 anyway. And every villain in RE8 is just totally dumb, that I think Capcom will revisit the mould, just to make it more and more silly.
It's ridiculous how people hate on RE5 and 6 when they play more or less the same as RE4. Although I guess it's because RE4 blew people away in 2005, as it did receive so many awards. But honestly, if it was reversed, and RE5 had been the story created first, I think 5 would have had more appraisal than 4 does. The same with 6. Because, really. RE5 has more ties to the franchise than 4, and the only thing 4 did was debut the Las Plagas, but it could have easily been introduced in 5.
In 4, they just mention Raccoon City for the sake of some veiled continuity. But I honestly wish they had dealt with the downfall of Umbrella better as opposed to just explaining it in the opening segment. Maybe they could have did like an epic confrontation type story. It kind of felt like all the build up in the previous games didn't really amount to much, and it's sad that we had to get a Wii based, on rails shooting game to sort of like, rectify that issue.
But honestly, after playing the nonsense that defines RE8, I got a good laugh out of it. But to say that's gonna be considered a classic in the years to come, would be even funnier. We live in the era of memes, and RE7 and 8 certainly gave us lots of those.
"Welcome to the family, son!"
*Falls to the floor, then dies from getting a mudhole stomped into his face, but doesn't know he's truly dead until years later...