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RE:2 Unused RE:2 Content

So I'm not sure if there's already a thread for this, and if so mods are free to move my post to the correct thread.

I've been unlocking the concept art for the game, and you will probably agree there's some interesting stuff to discuss here.

The main one for me is probably this alternate above ground cable car (like the one in RE4) that possibly leads to NEST.


So instead of getting to NEST from the sewers we would take an exterior route. That bridge is also pretty interesting. Would've been a fun locale to explore.

I wonder if this would mean that the marshalling yard of the original game would have shown up, which is suspiciously missing in the remake. Maybe the tram of this cable car started from there. Would this have ballooned the budget too much so they discarded it? Maybe. I'm no expert but maybe exterior locations take more time and money to render.

Moving on to the second concept art that most intrigues me...


In here Plant 43 looks a lot like in the original game, and that shot of it possibly attacking Leon leads me to believe this was at one point considered for a boss fight. Missed opportunity IMO, but the game is fine without it.


This is very interesting, we would have seen a zombie transition into a Licker, very freaky. Not sure what that wheelchair thing is, but it looks very Cronenberg. And that zombie in the right is just terrifying, no idea what it is.
They explained why the idea of cable car was not used in the Round Table video released last week on Youtube. Just in case you haven’t watched it.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
The creature on the right was called Condemned and it was exclusive to the Orphanage area. Something leads me to believe it was one of the children in there, creepy as hell.

Also, am I the only one who sees a Hunter standing on top of that building in the middle image? (row of 3, first image).
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