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Revelations Thoughts on Revelations as a whole?

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I want to create this thread to make one that's more general for rerev games to be discussed together. What's your thoughts about them?

I'm personally not the biggest fan of them even though they are alright. I enjoyed them and played them for some time but they dont catch my interest these days really. I didnt even play them in my last marathon.

About the 1st one; ı personally find its existence unnecessary. It's another prequel released after re5 lin and darkside chronicles, compared to reorc and re6, it doesnt seem as unique additions as those games that are also released in 2012.

As for 2nd; ı like it more than the 1st one and ı enjoyed playing it more as well. However at the same time, ı also have more disdain for it. The reason for this is the story script is very butchered due to being altered after it was done. Idk why this happened but it seems to have happened. I'm not a big fan of some story decisions for characters in these games, especially the 2nd one.

Another reason why these games dont feel necessary is due to them giving me the feeling that capcom want to make them in order to please the fans who dislike the more action oriented nature of re5 as well as re6 while wanting more horror. I never had any action complaints for those games really, ı think they have plenty of horror elements for what they are. I have no idea why would anyone would say " A game has too much action. " while presenting that as a complaint. When these games are praised, ı've also seen re5 and especially re6 getting bashed at the same time as well. I'm not the biggest fan of this behaviour.

I would like to know more game development plans about these games.

I remember some about the 1st one. There's a trailer where chris and jill point their gun to them. Another chris talks at the end. I also know that rachel was supposed to be a man, ı think his name was richard.

As for 2nd; the reason why they wanted to make it seems to be that rerev received a better general reception than re6 which was extremely divisive within the fanbase. I've got the impression that capcom wanted to add more canon story content for re6 but instead of doing that; they decided to ruin that game's potential by using some of its planned ideas for rerev2 while others get discarded. So basically rerev2's existence seems to be due to re6 hate bandwagon.

Rerev games seem to have the worst localizations too. I still cant believe how re6 can be fine in terms of localization but rerev2 can be extremely butchered in this aspect.

But anyway; feel free to explain your thoughts about these games.
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BSAA North America
I actually love both of them to death. REV1 is one of the hardest Platinums I've had to do. I remember being sorely dissappointed it was on 3DS, I bought a DS at the midnight release for that and Mercs3D. Super happy I can play it on PS4 now. Has a great atmosphere and locations.

I very much prefer REV2 though, but only played through casually twice. Raid Mode is soooooooo great in REV2, I can't rave about it enough. Been meaning to go through the main campaign and Raid Mode again soon.
I like both of them a lot. They're above 6, 7 and 8 for me, and I enjoyed all three of those games. Heck, maybe they're even above 5 on my list, or at least on par.

I like the atmosphere in both games and the new characters. I really like Parker and Moira and wish we'd see them again. More lore is something I always appreciate, and Raid Mode is just too much fun. I also think the gameplay is pretty good and I thought some bits of both games were creepy enough.
I could keep writing about these games, but I think it's pretty clear I love them.
Rev1 will always be ome of my favorites since it was one of the first games I played. I loved the gameplay, the story structure wasnt something I was used to at the time and it felt like a breath of fresh air. I loved the designs of the enemies and the fact it was on the 3DS was a huge selling point for me, since I like playing games on the go. The raid mode was fun for me, and didnt feel excessively repetitive.

Rev2 is a bit different. I loved seing Barry again, Claire being back was nice, though her character was butchered. The multiplayer aspect was... a bit uneven. Sure both are important for gameplay, but everyone I played with didnt want to be Moira or Natalia, and it was just easier to do it myself. The designs of the uroboros enemies felt like a rehash of the Ooze from Rev1, though the gameplay was mostly kept intact. The Genesis function is still there, but I think Rev1 did it better with the circle around the items, since trying to find a flickering light is annoying. The story is fine, but leaves a bit to be desired. I kind of wish there were more chapters or some of the chapters a bit more broken up, because a few of them either drag on or take a while to get through them, even if you ignore every item. The raid mode felt more like a drag, and I didnt care for the upgrade system in it.
Rev1 will always be ome of my favorites since it was one of the first games I played. I loved the gameplay, the story structure wasnt something I was used to at the time and it felt like a breath of fresh air. I loved the designs of the enemies and the fact it was on the 3DS was a huge selling point for me, since I like playing games on the go. The raid mode was fun for me, and didnt feel excessively repetitive.

Rev2 is a bit different. I loved seing Barry again, Claire being back was nice, though her character was butchered. The multiplayer aspect was... a bit uneven. Sure both are important for gameplay, but everyone I played with didnt want to be Moira or Natalia, and it was just easier to do it myself. The designs of the uroboros enemies felt like a rehash of the Ooze from Rev1, though the gameplay was mostly kept intact. The Genesis function is still there, but I think Rev1 did it better with the circle around the items, since trying to find a flickering light is annoying. The story is fine, but leaves a bit to be desired. I kind of wish there were more chapters or some of the chapters a bit more broken up, because a few of them either drag on or take a while to get through them, even if you ignore every item. The raid mode felt more like a drag, and I didnt care for the upgrade system in it.
Rev 1 is in my top 5 RE games of all time. Loved almost every thing about it.

I wish its raid mode was more active. I can't find any matches ever as opposed to RE5/6 mercenaries.
The Revelations games, and anything animated, should be primarily used to bring back long forgotten characters. I.E. Carlos, or Sheva. I'm sure there's a lot of fans online who keep on wondering about what these characters are doing today. Surely their fight against bioweapons did not abruptly conclude like that.

It's such a waste to add in characters for just the one game. Since Sheva co-killed (LOL :p) Wesker, that makes the woman kind of a big deal. Right? ;)
The Revelations games, and anything animated, should be primarily used to bring back long forgotten characters. I.E. Carlos, or Sheva. I'm sure there's a lot of fans online who keep on wondering about what these characters are doing today. Surely their fight against bioweapons did not abruptly conclude like that.

It's such a waste to add in characters for just the one game. Since Sheva co-killed (LOL :p) Wesker, that makes the woman kind of a big deal. Right? ;)
I really want some of the characters from Revelations and Sheva to come back now that things are going on with the BSAA. Surely they would side with Chris on the issue, right?
You would think so, but this is Capcom we are talking about. :D

Trying to get them to make logical decisions for the series, is akin to getting blood from a stone. It just ain't gonna happen. ;)

However, they did eventually bring back Barry and Rebecca into the canon. But it did take them some number of years to get around to that.
I am an author and avid literature buff so I love what these games did or at least in the case of REV tried to do. I don't much care for how the first one did it though, REV2 is by far the superior of the two and one of my personal favorite games in the series which also happens to feature one of my personal favorite authors. They made better use of Kafka than Dante, ironically the latter is much better reflected in the original BIO with S.T.A.R.S. descending into Hell and finding Wesker, their Judas and Lucifer, in the last ring of the Pit, the circle of traitors. Not only this, but REV2 also makes great use of Greek mythology. The themes are subtly woven into the plot instead of quotes just constantly being yelled at you like those from Dante are by Norman, Lansdale, and O'Brian. Alex is easily one of the best Antagonists because she is so sympathetic and at the same time so sinister. Unfortunately her true depth can only be appreciated in the Japanese script given the game's horrible localisation. She could have easily been a copy and paste villain but she is not, she doesn't care at all about ascending to godhood, she just wants to be free. The game also features better controls and enemies, t-Abyss has some of the worst enemy designs in the series.
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I want to create this thread to make one that's more general for rerev games to be discussed together. What's your thoughts about them?

I'm personally not the biggest fan of them even though they are alright. I enjoyed them and played them for some time but they dont catch my interest these days really. I didnt even play them in my last marathon.

About the 1st one; ı personally find its existence unnecessary. It's another prequel released after re5 lin and darkside chronicles, compared to reorc and re6, it doesnt seem as unique additions as those games that are also released in 2012.

As for 2nd; ı like it more than the 1st one and ı enjoyed playing it more as well. However at the same time, ı also have more disdain for it. The reason for this is the story script is very butchered due to being altered after it was done. Idk why this happened but it seems to have happened. I'm not a big fan of some story decisions for characters in these games, especially the 2nd one.

Another reason why these games dont feel necessary is due to them giving me the feeling that capcom want to make them in order to please the fans who dislike the more action oriented nature of re5 as well as re6 while wanting more horror. I never had any action complaints for those games really, ı think they have plenty of horror elements for what they are. I have no idea why would anyone would say " A game has too much action. " while presenting that as a complaint. When these games are praised, ı've also seen re5 and especially re6 getting bashed at the same time as well. I'm not the biggest fan of this behaviour.

I would like to know more game development plans about these games.

I remember some about the 1st one. There's a trailer where chris and jill point their gun to them. Another chris talks at the end. I also know that rachel was supposed to be a man, ı think his name was richard.

As for 2nd; the reason why they wanted to make it seems to be that rerev received a better general reception than re6 which was extremely divisive within the fanbase. I've got the impression that capcom wanted to add more canon story content for re6 but instead of doing that; they decided to ruin that game's potential by using some of its planned ideas for rerev2 while others get discarded. So basically rerev2's existence seems to be due to re6 hate bandwagon.

According to news bot; rerev games seem to have the worst localization too. I still cant believe how re6 can be fine in terms of localization but rerev2 can be extremely butchered in this aspect.

But anyway; feel free to explain your thoughts about these games.
I loved the Revelations titles, they're some of my favorites and really underrated. They were really fun and I loved the characters. I enjoyed the additional perspectives it added to the plot of the franchise and it helped make the overall plot more solid. They were so good, I've played them both countless times.
So ı played rerev again after a long while. I want to say that ı enjoyed it a bit more than ı was remembering. I enjoyed jill's gameplay sections but ı wasnt a fan of other characters' sections since their loadout is fixed and you cant use upgrades or unlockables for them. I also wished that playing the story with 2nd characters ( parker or chris instead of jill, jessica instead of chris or parker and quint instead of keith ) was possible. It seems to be designed around raid mode more than the story itself since it has more playable characters with new melee attacks as well as weapons. I dont think they should have switched the characters at certain points but rather make separate campaigns like in re6 and rerev2 so that the characters would get their own scenarios and you would be able to play as them at those. You also cant select chapters so ı dont think playing it canonically isnt possible.

As for story; ı like the background lore but characters arent as interesting.

After thinking about it; this is also how ı would rank the characters:

Chris > Keith = Quint > Parker > O'Brian > Norman > Raymond > Jessica > Jill > Lansdale >>>>> Rachel

Chris is my favourite character in the game. I like that he's voiced by roger craig smith like he was in re5 and darkside chronicles. His quotes are pretty good imo.

Keith and quint are really entertaining and ı think from non-jill sections; ı enjoyed their sections the most. They are my favourite new characters in the game and ı personally would like to see them in future.

Parker is alright and ı like his terragrigia flashbacks. I find him more interesting than jill tbh. I'm glad he came back in heavenly island.

O'brian is also decent and ı found his plan, despite being reckless, interesting too. I also like the epilogue where he retired after his actions and became an advisor. I like the reference to him in re7 too.

Norman ı used to not care much about but after thinking about it; ı found him a tragic villain and ı really like his mutant form at the end. The boss fight is pretty good imo. I still wished he got more screentime though.

Raymond isnt as interesting as o'brian but ı still like his terragrigia flashbacks just like parker's. At the same time though; after the reveal that he was working for tricell just like jessica; ı started to care for him less since tricell got their closure in re5 and ı guess this would conclude both of them.

Jessica is irritating but at the same time it's hilarious how much she tries to impress chris but he doesnt care much for her at all. The revelation that she was a tricell spy all along makes me care about her even less for the previously stated reasons.

Jill is boring for the most part and ı dont like that patricia ja lee doesnt voice her in this game. Michelle ruff is still alright but ı would preferred former to return to voice jill in this since this is a prequel to re5.

Lansdale is even more boring and despite the neat background lore of the game; ı still cant care much for him at all. Him getting arrested is a really anti-climactic ending tbh.

Rachel is the worst character in the game and she's extremely irritating. The trailer dedicated to her is silly and her design looks even more silly. She appears as a mutant too for some reason and ı dont like the more possible encounters with her at all after the 1st fight.
I dont think they should have switched the characters at certain points but rather make separate campaigns like in re6 and rerev2 so that the characters would get their own scenarios and you would be able to play as them at those.
For the most part I disagree. Rerev and rerev2 are more like a drama, and the the fact the characters have no contact with anyone is a huge factor of the drama in the games. While rerev2 utilizes the story to create 2 campaigns, each of the campaigns are isolated from the other by time. For rerev, you would have to isolate the campaigns by location because a ship, compared to the island in rerev2, isn't that big (in terms of size, not the size of the map. You are more likely to run into someone on a shio than an island.) The only place I can think that would be good to have a campaign in would be the airport, though you would likely have to either cut back on the ship's map or increase the size of the game's story.
Jessica is irritating but at the same time it's hilarious how much she tries to impress chris but he doesnt care much for her at all.
Yeah it's hilarious. It's the Virgin Jessica meets the Chad Chris, and I love it.

Him getting arrested is a really anti-climactic ending tbh.
I think it works a bit. Lansdale is brought down by his own corruption and hunger for power, and while he is right that it's because of the terrorists that O'Brian and Lansdale have their roles, he is an "ends justifies the means" kind of person, and desires to stop terrorism, even if it means orchestrating an attack to justify his organization to the world. What's neat now, however, is that the BSAA is now leaning towards that same sentiment, though more in line of "fight bioweapons with bioweapons."
Rachel is the worst character in the game and she's extremely irritating.
She scared the crap out of me when I first played, as well as the subsequent playthroughs. The way she talks and how she pops out of nowhere, along with the music, I had never experienced it before when I played it.
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For the most part I disagree. Rerev and rerev2 are more like a drama, and the the fact the characters have no contact with anyone is a huge factor of the drama in the games. While rerev2 utilizes the story to create 2 campaigns, each of the campaigns are isolated from the other by time. For rerev, you would have to isolate the campaigns by location because a ship, compared to the island in rerev2, isn't that big (in terms of size, not the size of the map. You are more likely to run into someone on a shio than an island.) The only place I can think that would be good to have a campaign in would be the airport, though you would likely have to either cut back on the ship's map or increase the size of the game's story.
You make good points. But at the same time; ı played re6 and rerev2 before re5 and rerev and honestly; ı kinda got used to the way of the 1st 2 games' design over the later ones ı played. So ı still prefer those 2 as well as re5 over rerev.

I forgot to add more things and looking back; ı wished you could also swap between partners like in rerev2. That would have been cool imo.

Yeah it's hilarious. It's the Virgin Jessica meets the Chad Chris, and I love it.
Yeah it's really funny.

I think it works a bit. Lansdale is brought down by his own corruption and hunger for power, and while he is right that it's because of the terrorists that O'Brian and Lansdale have their roles, he is an "ends justifies the means" kind of person, and desires to stop terrorism, even if it means orchestrating an attack to justify his organization to the world. What's neat now, however, is that the BSAA is now leaning towards that same sentiment, though more in line of "fight bioweapons with bioweapons."
Yeah it's ironic how bsaa is relying on bows now as a way to combat biohazards. Simmons also held a similar conviction similar to lansdale.

Curious but between lansdale and simmons; which antagonist do you prefer? I think ı prefer simmons over lansdale. His voice acting in re6 is pretty good imo and his sickening personality makes him more satisfying as a villain to hate and take down along with a more satisfying conclusion compared to lansdale's. I still find his obsession with ada really creepy and scary, especially since re6 was the 1st re game that ı played.

She scared the crap out of me when I first played, as well as the subsequent playthroughs. The way she talks and how she pops out of nowhere, along with the music, I had never experienced it before when I played it.
I understand and yes her mutated design is creepy but after the 1st encounter; ı dont think she needed to make more appearances. I remember seeing somewhere that they planned a different character to appear as a stalker instead of her and ı think ı would have preferred that over rachel. I still cant get over her design; not just her gear but why does her hair cover her whole face?
I might as well ask my question about raymond and jessica here.

Do you think they should be considered as villains or not? I used to consider them villains without looking back however at the same time; ı considered ada as a hero despite her questionable nature so ı'm wondering if those 2 can be looked in the same way.

They seem to be spies for tricell but not much background info is given about them. While for ada; ı remember people considering her a villain just cause she worked for wesker and simmons even though she betrayed them and she never used a virus to infect anyone. She didnt know about simmons' obsession with her either so it's not her fault that simmons was a sickening person.
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