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OT Games The Tomb Raider Franchise Marks 25 Years

I just looked it up and it's already happened, but Tomb Raider, on November 8, 2021 marks 25 years since the first release in 1996 in the USA.

Personally, I miss those old days back when games were fun to play, and even now in 2021, memorable. I first played the first Tomb Raider game at my, then, teenage cousin's house on his PS1 and we had a great time playing through the training level in Lara's mansion, to playing through the game levels. I didn't get this game until my 16th birthday in 1998, but I did get Tomb Raider II, along with Resident Evil Director's Cut on Christmas 1997.

Good music soundtrack, good graphics and fun gameplay in the earlier Tomb Raider games.

It's too bad that now at age 39, I don't take video games as seriously as I used to back in the 80's - 2010s, but I do like a fun pinball game.
I only liked the ones from the first original to Angel Of Darkness for the PlayStation. The reboot trilogy I never gave it a chance.


I really enjoyed the reboot, especially the first game. The third is especially beautiful, if not a bit repetitive biome wise.
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