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General Survival Horror

Its though of as similar because of how fast paced the action is.
But call of duty isnt the only franchise with fast paced action. There are plenty of games and franchises with fast paced action. Re6 is one of a kind and there isnt really any game like it.

Also you think the franchise started to went away from its roots. But you dont state that as a bad thing so thanks for that. I've seen many people stating that as being objectively bad but ı dont think this is the case. I wouldnt have problem with " roots " word either if it wasnt stated to downplay re6 while overpraising some other games.

I think we are getting close to the end of the debate
Yeah ı agree. This discussion was fun but ı think we should conclude it. I may not post to this thread anymore cause ı think ı replied enough. As always, thanks for the replies.
But call of duty isnt the only franchise with fast paced action. There are plenty of games and franchises with fast paced action. Re6 is one of a kind and there isnt really any game like it.

True, it is one of a kind. But the Call of Duty thing was probably started by a socially contagious idea. "This game is fast paced and has guns. Make me think of Call of Duty. What do you think?" "I agree. Hey third person, is this game like Call of Duty?" And so on.

Also you think the franchise started to went away from its roots. But you dont state that as a bad thing so thanks for that. I've seen many people stating that as being objectively bad but ı dont think this is the case. I wouldnt have problem with " roots " word either if it wasnt stated to downplay re6 while overpraising some other games.

Yep. Just because a series leaves its roots, that doesnt mean its a bad thing. Like my analogy early in the discussion about dying my hair or changing the way I talk. They arent necessarily bad, just different.

Yeah ı agree. This discussion was fun but ı think we should conclude it. I may not post to this thread anymore cause ı think ı replied enough. As always, thanks for the replies.

Yeah no problem, I think we talked it to death, lol. Thanks for keeping it enertaining and forcing me to look at it from different angles. Take care of yourself.
There was a really great rant video about the RE2 remake, on a YouTube channel called "Darkening Demise" (but it was removed). Although the guy had a lot of good points raised throughout it.

I feel the game was good, as a game on its own. But as a remake of a classic, a lot rested on Capcom making it a sensation like the original is. And well, it wasn't anything like what I wanted, speaking as someone who credits the original game for getting me hooked on horror games in general. For I mean, there's nothing memorable about it. There's not even any real link to Code: Veronica whatsoever. Is that game considered a black sheep now, or some shit?

Capcom, please get your shit together, and stop messing up the franchise. When you remake a game, I get that you may want to change some stuff. But for a start, nobody wanted that, and by doing so, you've gone and mucked everything up with the timeline.
"Survival Horror" has always been just a marketing term or a packaging decoration, much like all other Japanese Capcom games, like "Stylish Hard Action", "Panic Horror", "Free-Running RPG", "Nonsense Fighting" and so on.
This practice started since the Saturn/PlayStation era and continued to the present, for as long as the game is released physically, with a packaging.

The reason you remember "Survival Horror" more clearly than "Gothic Horror" or "Sengoku Survival Action" is due to how the idea is hammered into your head any time you load a save file for RE1 & RE2.
Something about "entering the world of Survival Horror".

Imagine if anytime you're loading a save file for Mega Man Legends and you get the following message:

"You have return to the world of Free-Running RPG. Good luck."

I can bet you that it becomes a new "established genre" that everyone will talk about.

"Survival Horror" has a definition by Mikami and other Capcom staff but for some selfish reasons, certain groups of people continue ignoring these definition because it did not fit with these groups' narrative.
They want to maintain the idea that "Survival Horror" must follow a certain set of rules that they established.
Nowhere did Capcom say that "Survival Horror" can't have ammo drops, checkpoints, shop system and so on.
Anytime you hear these rules, they are made up by people who have nothing to do with Capcom and can be completely disregarded.
Having a vendor selling you stuff though, ain't the same, as it is easier to survive the horror.
So is having a shooting scheme that allows you to hit enemies by simply aiming at their general direction.
Or stopping time to reload.
Or enemies not being able to follow you freely through rooms, as well as being able to exit/reenter to reset their positions, making them more predictable.

"Easier to survive the horror" also applies to the older games as well, if you're gonna insist on that logic.
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Will you take the handgun bullets?

Does a bear shit in the woods? :D

Silent Hill better be one of your new titles in development for your so-called key projects, Konami, or else. But anyhow, Tokyo Game Show begins tomorrow, or today. It depends where you reside, obviously. But it's sometimes painful to be a Silent Hill fan, knowing the franchise has been totally mistreated, and everybody knows that Konami always avoids talking in depth about it. :(

So ı came across this today. It includes " genres " that capcom use to describe games.

Other than survival horror and dramatic horror, the one that ı found interesting most is " horror gun shooting " that's used to describe darkside chronicles. It seems that darkside chronicles is the 1st time a " x horror " statement is said for a re game other than survival horror. Not surprising, both that game's as well as re6's main writers were shotaro suga.
So a game cant have multiple genres or descriptions? Sure darkside chronicles is on rail shooter but ı still wouldnt ignore " horror gun shooting " statement made for the game.

I'm not saying that. But I doubt any other game has been called a horror gun shooting, so to say it falls into this category because a developer described it as such is a bit of a stretch.
so to say it falls into this category because a developer described it as such is a bit of a stretch.
I dont think so. Developers described the game with that so it falls into that category. Idk what's so wrong with that either not to mention they dont have to describe the games with the same genre over and over. It's nice to come up with something new like that as well as dramatic horror for re6.
I dont think so. Developers described the game with that so it falls into that category. Idk what's so wrong with that either not to mention they dont have to describe the games with the same genre over and over. It's nice to come up with something new like that as well as dramatic horror for re6.

I already argued against this when we were debating Drama Horror. The fans are an important part of how a genre/subgenre is formed, the developers are not the key creators of them. If only a handful of fans regard it as a horror gun shooting, because a developer called it that, then is it really a genre/subgenre? No, or at least not yet. You would need to get a large amount of fans to call it that, but at the moment almost everybody who played it would only call it a rail shooter.
The fans are an important part of how a genre/subgenre is formed, the developers are not the key creators of them. If only a handful of fans regard it as a horror gun shooting, because a developer called it that, then is it really a genre/subgenre?
But it's still a capcom genre cause the devs came up with that. Not to mention genres can exist in different ways, ı dont think majority of fans need to agree for something to become a genre. I feel like you're focusing too much on fans and not enough on devs.


Might as well share this here too.

Most important part:

" The inventing of 'genres' to describe a single game is commonplace in Japan, and is used to show individuality. "
But it's still a capcom genre cause the devs came up with that.

I can say fair enough to that. If Capcom wants to categorize its games in its own way, fair.

" The inventing of 'genres' to describe a single game is commonplace in Japan, and is used to show individuality. "

I actually didnt know that. I'm used to functionality of terms here in America, and thats a bit of a culture shock. But again, I can say fair enough. If they want to call it that in Japan, fine. But I doubt you can get everyone in the gaming community to agree to that form of categorization, and I'll continue to call it a rail shooter.
I can say fair enough to that. If Capcom wants to categorize its games in its own way, fair.

I actually didnt know that. I'm used to functionality of terms here in America, and thats a bit of a culture shock. But again, I can say fair enough. If they want to call it that in Japan, fine. But I doubt you can get everyone in the gaming community to agree to that form of categorization, and I'll continue to call it a rail shooter.
Alright. But please note that these are stated by devs. Genres stated by devs can exist and be used to describe games even if majority of fans dont agree.
Alright. But please note that these are stated by devs. Genres stated by devs can exist and be used to describe games even if majority of fans dont agree.

They can, but at the same time fans usually have to agree. I already argued this point before, and I really dont feel like making my entire case all over again.
They can, but at the same time fans usually have to agree. I already argued this point before, and I really dont feel like making my entire case all over again.

For example, The Room. Its creator, Tommy Wiseau, called it a drama. Fans call it a comedy because of how bad it is.
They can, but at the same time fans usually have to agree. I already argued this point before, and I really dont feel like making my entire case all over again.
Alright, thanks for the discussion as always.

"Survival Horror" has a definition by Mikami and other Capcom staff
Sorry for the late reply but can you post those " survival horror " definitions of devs? I remember mikami's statement though ı might be wrong. Are these said in interviews? I'm interested in them.
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