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Movies Since When Did The Resident Evil Movies Get So Popular?

I'm not complaining but I am confused. I asked my dad for the Resident Evil 6-movie 4K collection for Christmas. When we opened up gifts this morning, he told me that it's very hard to find them in the stores. He tried Best Buy, Target and Wal-Mart, multiple locations each and couldn't find it. I checked on the Best Buy site and it looks like you can't order it online and no store in Illinois has it. The only place to get it is on eBay, but unfortunately the sellers are charging over double, or triple the store price. I don't want to do that because I got a $100 Best Buy gift card that I rather use instead of cash.

So what I want to know is; since when did Resident Evil the movies become so popular that you can't find it anywhere in the stores in 4K? I read forum posts on some sites and people do nothing but complain about it and say they hate the movies. Then again, people would complain about anything these days.


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It's easy.

They revisit 1998 over and over again, just because they want to rake in the dough.

They see we are kind of dumb. That's why they will never take the franchise forward. Capcom sees that people are just way too "nostalgia blinded" nowadays.
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