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General Resident Evil Netflix: yeah, or nah?

Not watched the first episode yet, as I'm skint (as in, broke) and so I cannot sign up to Netflix until half 12 or so, tonight. But for anybody who has caught it, what are your thoughts?
Yeah, man. I'm going to at least check it out. But I'm honestly sick of Capcom going back to Raccoon City. I'm quite opinionated about that stuff, because I feel like it's finally time to move on from that era. I'd rather see new ideas, as opposed to always receiving rehashed junk about Raccoon City, Wesker, Umbrella, and whatnot.

I don't hate that time period. In fact, the reason I hate them going back to the era is because it was so great once. But now they're just constantly milking it. They didn't even give us a proper conclusion to the old games anyway. So this complaint I have is in itself outdated, I suppose. But I mean, come on.

There's other cities and countries. Not just Raccoon City. But if they insist on going back to 1998 over and over again, then at least try to make it worthwhile for the hardcore fans...
I'd rather see new ideas, as opposed to always receiving rehashed junk about Raccoon City, Wesker, Umbrella, and whatnot.

They didn't even give us a proper conclusion to the old games anyway.

This is some kind of paradox happening here.

The series didn't have the conclusion you're looking for because it was always far from that. And Umbrella is still happening in the plot, not because they're milking something, but because the company was never annihilated in the first place.

So you basically don't want a conclusion because it didn't happen much earlier, as if it should have. Like, it's completely surreal.
This is some kind of paradox happening here.

The series didn't have the conclusion you're looking for because it was always far from that. And Umbrella is still happening in the plot, not because they're milking something, but because the company was never annihilated in the first place.

So you basically don't want a conclusion because it didn't happen much earlier, as if it should have. Like, it's completely surreal.
This is fair. Umbrella has nothing to do with me being skeptical on it personally, just the quality of what was shown. It just looks uninspiring and more of what nobody wants from these adaptions. I'm still going to give it a go tomorrow though
Regardless of whether Umbrella truly sticking around or not, is the actual reality of it all, I think Capcom should have concluded that arc a lot better at the time. I mean, no-one really wanted to play an on rails shoot 'em up to have that desired effect, right? But yep. I'm aware that they've been manipulating the events of the series both before and after their apparent demise. But in the PS1 games, it was more clearer with the story, and I think a lot of fans feel like they fumbled the ball in some aspects.
I saw all 8 episodes and here are my thoughts about the show.. Spoilers ahead:

I think some of the ideas the show had are not entirely bad, bit the cloning thing It's a bit awkward storytelling If the starting point for the world to get destroyed by zombies was basically 2022 I'd think the government or United Nations could initiate a debate to use nukes to wipe out the zombie infested areas they are really weak to explosions and fire. And by the end of the season the whole factory/ base is destroyed so it doesn't look like they could produce that Joy drug so I'm still not sure how t-virus will spread to global scale.. Maybe the Tyrant will have something to do with it? Just like RE 2 and Birkin or the sewage system the Umbrella team there will try to retrieve stuff and the Tyrant will kill that team and that will kickstart the t-virus leak. The Ada cliffhanger is interesting, I wonder if she is going to be the same actress from Welcome to Raccoon City movie? Though? Maybe in this universe Ada has Japanese origin rather than Chinese since Albert Wesker was black so... I know the purists kind of dislike the liberties taken by show adaptations of games but still its not all bad because it takes different turns from the games in order to avoid people guessing what's next.. All in all I didn't think its worthless adaptation or in a scale of bad shows something unwatchable, but like most stuff they develop for live action they could release this under a different brand and it wouldn't do harm, because aside from a few monsters, bows, and easter eggs, connections to some characters names it's completely different from what one usually expect from RE specially with the post apocalypse setting that for me just seems to go over extreme place you know, but still interested to see where it goes and if it could jump the shark for it's second season
For a more thorough review, that I kind of agree with, check this one Resident Evil Series Review
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I wanted to watch the first episode today, but the picture quality on these cheap streaming boxes is rather shite.

Jade Wesker? Albert Wesker never had a kid with that name before, as his son in RE6 was Jake. Nor was he ever supposed to be black. But meh.

Somehow they have successfully reached UCraps levels of bad with screen adaptations. Shame on you Capcom for green lighting this absolute abomination of a beloved brand.
Open to new things but like come on already... how many times are we going to watch the same failed adaptions to what is a really easy story to tell early on.
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