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RE8 RE Village Thoughts

RE8 coud be RE4's baby brother...

Formula: Merchant. Village. Castle. Lake. Factory. Etc.

It's all so similar. Even when you're attacked at the village near the beginning, the enemies nearly overwhelm you. But then they make their exit after a battle.
RE8 coud be RE4's baby brother...

Formula: Merchant. Village. Castle. Lake. Factory. Etc.

It's all so similar. Even when you're attacked at the village near the beginning, the enemies nearly overwhelm you. But then they make their exit after a battle.
Cause capcom wanted to recreate the game as a re4 reimagining just so they can reuse some of its features / assets for another re4 reimagining.

A friend of mine on discord also said something like " The dude that composed 4's soundtrack even came back to work on it. " .

So basically they recreated re1, re2, re3, re4... And they are gonna recreate re4 again.

It feels like capcom created a new series starting with re7 or something.
Yeah. I guess that makes sense. They'll probably use similar assets for the RE4 remake, to save on money, time and whatnot. But again, while I'm not against it happening, I'm not sure why RE4 even requires a remake, considering it has been ported so much, to the point where it's even available on mobile devices.

One thing they can at least improve is the awful control system. Being able to move and shoot would be swell! :)
I noticed recently that Heisenberg says this "mano a mano" line, which was also used by Jake. This happens somewhere at the beginning of the battle with him.

I also really liked that line about David and Goliath. It created the right vibe for me.
But again, while I'm not against it happening, I'm not sure why RE4 even requires a remake, considering it has been ported so much, to the point where it's even available on mobile device.

Well, given the latest news, they will clearly need a product that is not threatened with withdrawal from sales, because it does not use stolen textures, ha-ha!

But seriously speaking, I really see some things that can be improved. For example, developers can change that "Mesoamerican" drawing to African, and also rename Seashell to TRICELL, so that people have a better idea of how this game is connected with the universe.

I also want them to remind everyone where the reorganized Umbrella came from, because now this is the current storyline that many do not understand.

Developers can also make some additions to the plot so that it is better connected with the universe, but at the same time so that it does not actually rewrite the plot (at least not so dramatically). For example, Saddler is a very mysterious character who, with his design and name, gives us reason to think that he could be an aristocrat from the Anglosphere. He's basically Oswell Spencer, just Osmund Saddler. Even their first names are symbolic in a similar way and are associated with God. Therefore, it is not difficult for me to imagine that, being a foreigner with resources and knowledge, he was related to the Nemesis project, so when the company collapsed, he became one of the remnants of Umbrella, who decided to continue what he had started. He could have learned from historical books or folklore that centuries ago Spanish navigators described similar places in Africa (where Spencer and the team found fossils) and brought parasites to Spain, so Saddler hired a team together with Luis to artificially recreate the parasites (in other words, repeat the Nemesis project). But it turned out that the parasites were mummified, so they were able to secrete spores. This gave the cult an advantage and with the help of the virus that Luis mentioned in the game, they made dominant species that interested Wesker's Umbrella.

The whole game basically opened a new era of the series, where a large mirror called Umbrella broke into many pieces, so it would be cool to put more emphasis on this, I think. Like, Saddler and Wesker are fragments of a mirror who are fighting for power over the world.

And I didn't even mention some things like control or that QTE that are outdated for new players. The developers can also make "Spain" much more authentic than in the original, because the original was a game from the time of Sergei Vladimir, when other cultures, including the American one, could look too cheesy and silly.

There is a huge cultural gap between Romania (I think the village from the new game is located on the border of "Romania" and "Hungary", because there is the presence of these two cultures in the environment, which makes sense for a border village (actually, now I even remembered that the game mentioned that the stronghold is located on the border)) and Spain, so I honestly don't understand people who will think that a village and a castle will look the same just because it is a village and a castle. Developers really don't have that many assets that they can actually reuse.
Now I will finally be able to complete the run with only a melee weapon!

The Mercenaries turned out to be very stressful, but I even enjoyed it in the end.
Russident, what happened to your tweet? I wanted to view it but it seems to be deleted. Is that about lightsaber developed by bsaa?

Is it just me that it reminds me of bsaa's communication device in re6? The ones that's seen to be used by chris, piers and finn.

I guess technology surely evolved even though bsaa became evil in revillage. And ı wonder if the franchise goes to space and characters point middle finger to gravity by " flying " with things like jetpacks.
Russident, what happened to your tweet?

I deleted my account.

Is that about lightsaber developed by bsaa?


According to the description, the blade of this weapon is made of charged particles. I think such particles were also mentioned in Gun Survivor 4.

Not to mention that Jackass is a fan of Star Wars, so I wouldn't be surprised if he could have been involved in the development one way or another.

But so far I haven't thought much about whether it's worth taking such a weapon as something serious and canonical. For me, this is rather one of the references to Silent Hill, and the backstory with the BSAA was added so that this bonus does not seem random.

But who knows.
So did anyone play mercs mode of re village? How does it compare to past mercs modes?

I would like to hear more thoughts about that mode too.
So gonna repost this. Did anyone play this mode of revillage? Post some thoughts about how it compares to past titles' mercenaries modes.
I hope the DLC focuses on life after the events of the base game, so we can see Chris and his team investigating the BSAA in Europe. It will probably be gameplay that is quite action oriented, but I don't mind that, because Chris is a pro at what he is doing.
I hope the DLC focuses on life after the events of the base game, so we can see Chris and his team investigating the BSAA in Europe. It will probably be gameplay that is quite action oriented, but I don't mind that, because Chris is a pro at what he is doing.
I hope it ties the ending up as well. Not going to be excited for RE9 if it’s going to have the evil BSAA plotline.
Whatever they do, they should reveal more about the Connections. Gets rather tedious when Capcom is forever adding in different plot aspects. Ones they often cast up once, then ignore it.
So gonna repost this. Did anyone play this mode of revillage? Post some thoughts about how it compares to past titles' mercenaries modes.
I did. To be honest, it felt more like a raid mode than a mercenaries mode. The enemies all spawn in set locations and all have health bars, and there are areas that cant be unlocked until you get a key. While rng factors play heavily into upgrades and decisions enemies make to get to you, it doesnt hurt it. I like the fact you can upgrade weapons in between, and plan for a level thats giving you trouble. While the fact that you dont have to beat a level to get an ss rank is a bit too forgiving, Im not gonna complain. Its personally my favorite mercenaries mode, even if it doesnt really play like one.
Many fans believed Mother Miranda was actually Mia. This should have been true, would have made the story actually interesting. Rosemary is a completely pointless character.
she is, and what bothers me is her looks, screams tiktok sensation girl, no different from Kylie Jenner and those mediocre celebs.
You are absolutely right, especially given how instantly strong and badass she is implied to be with zero development. I guess I'm supposed to want her to be the Hero now that I've reassembled her fragmented body? So she's a Bionicle basically. Yawn.
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