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RE8 RE Village Thoughts

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According to News Bot, who refers to Yasuhisa Kawamura, Sherry was planned as a superman from a new generation of protagonists who would fight face-to-face with Albert Wesker.

Maybe the developers could have taken this idea for Rosemary. I can easily believe that the influence of Umbrella will be impossible to exaggerate in the future, so its leader will be careless at one moment, but this moment will be enough to make him known. It will also be a good opportunity to remember about Jake.

I think it would be a good move if future games do refer to past characters that have something special and related to the viral experimentation, if not Sherry there are others such as Jill Valentine, Natalia Korda, Manuela Hidalgo and Jake.

Some do criticize RE 6 story due to Jake popping up into it without any kind of previous hint but since then I honestly feel like there's potential for Jake and I can't help but think of the developments should Chris and Jake cross paths again.

I'd imagine the story to continue with Jill and Chris team up to dismantle what's left of BSAA, and that the mission after this would involve Claire or Leon asking Sherry and Jake to help rescue Rosemary, since there is a chance that after the time lapse from village's epilogue someone from the connections might be interested in using all these strange altered individuals and perhaps create some sort of creature that display their strengths and abilities.
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The way I imagine the next step is usually related to Brandon Bailey, who could become a fungus, resembling his idol Marcus.

I think, speaking of fungi, there are unresolved parts in this topic that another game could tell if one of the protagonists found the syndicate.

For example, the games hint a little that Eveline could have younger sisters who could have been produced in secret from Miranda, and also that such fungal centers could be not only in Louisiana and Eastern Europe.

We also do not know exactly how the syndicate modified the fungus, as well as the HCF's connection with it.

And I personally would like to get a direct description of such processes as calcification. I have a version of how it works, and I can write it if someone is interested.

But yeah, I definitely don't mind seeing the old characters fighting Umbrella and its viruses again, because they had a viral experience. However, the Mold is not a virus, so even Jake's antibodies are useless, so far this is the most dangerous threat in my opinion.
Code: VERONICA also has those drones that alerts Hunters but that depends on your definition of "enemy".
A remake may have drones that do more than just become makeshift security cameras.
Yeah, it's all true. I rather meant that in Resident Evil 4 we had real robots as enemies. What the HCF and Umbrella used were just modules for bio-organic weapons. It's the same with Karl.
The way I imagine the next step is usually related to Brandon Bailey, who could become a fungus, resembling his idol Marcus.

The mold and mutamycete are not so similar to Marcus and his Queen Leech form, Miranda and all her abilities point to a direct reliance on the megamycete, I really think Miranda and Eveline (even if she has sisters) lost all their physical world powers and eventually starve off without the fungus as they feed from this source. Rosemary seems the sole perfect fungus host and might not depend on that though.
Hmm, not sure what you're referring to. Eveline was created in the early noughties and lived without a center until 2014. Miranda was with her in Munich the whole time, too.

Rosemary differs from Eveline only in that she underwent embryonic development in a natural environment, and not in an artificial one, so she does not have defects like accelerated growth and involuntary secretion of fungus.

But I agree that fungus and leeches are not the same thing. Although the microorganisms of the Mold absorb and replace the cells until the person becomes a fungus, the fungus still retains the consciousness of the person. At least in the case of Ethan, because Dimitrescu's daughters may be mimicry, according to the file.
One thing I disliked about the whole bio weapons from 7 and 8 is the fact information about them is kind of scratching the surface, while the documents from viral weapons of RE past seem much more well thought and usually easy to understand.

But pondering the fact that Eveline was deemed a defect (aging too fast without proper treatment) while Miranda did not and while there's not much proof I suspect that happened because Eveline's mutamycete was purposefully weakened and that Miranda wasn't just more than a good DNA match for the mold she most likely had some direct connection to It(was being nourished periodically by the Megamycete), but that is mostly my own assumption.
however it does make me curious after all the mutated villagers killed by Ethan and Chris and his team, seemingly making the whole roots of the megamycete expand, the fact is that perhaps the megamycete has some level of consciousness and perceived Miranda was forcing something with Rose's ritual and that's what made Miranda weaker.

The Megamycete was punishing Miranda due to whatever Miranda and the ritual that involved the chalice was about (hopefully we will find more details about it with future dlc, or whenever the continuation of the Chris versus BSAA story gets resumed)
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One thing I disliked about the whole bio weapons from 7 and 8 is the fact information about them is kind of scratching the surface, while the documents from viral weapons of RE past seem much more well thought and usually easy to understand.

Ironically, this is also the reason why Evil Resident and I love these games, because it's so exciting for us to look for all these keys and connect them together.

I agree that this wasn't really the case in the early games, but I would say that these games didn't give so much information at all. I even have a habit of forgetting how little information these games actually gave, because I often rely on additional material. Like, if you play Resident Evil 2, you will not be able to find out where Lickers came from, so there were many theories in the community, including the new Umbrella project or the participation of the G-Virus. Many people still don't even know the process behind such a mutation, because they may not know that there are fans who have translated additional materials.

So I will say without exaggeration that Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village are the few games in the series that do not require Kaitai Shinsho to understand them. Although I agree that such a fragmentary and epistolary format of storytelling leads to disputes and different interpretations. When I get into such situations, I usually think that the developers really did not plan that such an experience could be kind of a problem for the community, because, as in the case of different scenarios in old and new games, they are calm that some things may be unclear. It's just games and fun, but the fans have created a culture where such things are taken much more seriously.

But pondering the fact that Eveline was deemed a defect (aging too fast without proper treatment) while Miranda did not and while there's not much proof I suspect that happened because Eveline's mutamycete was purposefully weakened and that Miranda wasn't just more than a good DNA match for the mold she most likely had some direct connection to It(was being nourished periodically by the Megamycete), but that is mostly my own assumption.

I personally find it unlikely that there are altruists working in The Connection who just wanted to help the poor mother. Perhaps they used her as an opportunity to create a line of very powerful products, so Eveline was designed to meet the goals of the project. And I definitely see accelerated aging as a useful function, since the treatment makes the girl dependent on her boss, although I still assume that such a defect is a consequence of artificial embryonic development, because for the same reason Eveline's older sisters had bodily defects. After all, they were all divided into categories: from the worst girl to the best.

This is a pretty hot take, but I believe that the Mold is not too demanding in terms of assimilation, so many people had a chance to get immortality, including Spencer. The Bakers are also an example of this, because they were ordinary people from Louisiana without any cool genes or something. And in the same way, Miranda was just a random mother without any knowledge and skills. She used the Black God in the same way that we use a library, that is, as a source of information. Therefore, thanks to it, she discovered the residual consciousnesses of dead people and the genetic information of various life forms. Decades of adaptation have given her the opportunity to learn the skills and control of her own body. In a sense, she is dependent on the Black God, but not in such a way that she cannot objectively live without it. This is the way I see it.

however it does make me curious after all the mutated villagers killed by Ethan and Chris and his team, seemingly making the whole roots of the megamycete expand, the fact is that perhaps the megamycete has some level of consciousness and perceived Miranda was forcing something with Rose's ritual and that's what made Miranda weaker.

The Megamycete was punishing Miranda due to whatever Miranda and the ritual that involved the chalice was about (hopefully we will find more details about it with future dlc, or whenever the continuation of the Chris versus BSAA story gets resumed)

I think the main reason for the growth of the Black God and the loss of Miranda's powers is Ethan.

According to the file of the officer in the stronghold, the statues, the crest with coats of arms in the cave and the Chalice are "prehistoric" legacy left by the founders. Miranda didn't create any of this. She received the residual consciousnesses of dead people and understood how to work with ancient technologies, since such ceremonies could have been carried out centuries earlier. I believe this is all due to the canceled idea of making a parallel storyline in the Middle Ages.

It is difficult to say exactly when the founders came, but I can definitely say that they belong to the Romance language group and are associated with the cultures of Rome and Greece, because they have Italian names, and they also left behind Roman utensils and Greek porticos.

It also makes sense for their names, you know. For example, Dimitrescu is a surname of ancient Greek origin, which means "a follower of Demeter". One of the representatives of these bloodlines was associated with winemaking, so it makes sense why he came to such a name, since Demeter is the goddess of agriculture.


In the same way, Beneviento is a Neopolitan name that translates from Latin as "good wind", and you can see the wind pattern on the crest in the cave. In Italy, there is a legend about witches from Benevento who can become disembodied like the wind and ghosts, which corresponds to the idea of Donna as a ghost.

I think the developers knew that Romanians, Italians, French and so on came from Romance language groups, so they used such references.

Anyway, the founders created the Chalice, the application of which may differ if you install this artifact on different platforms. The altar platform restrained the exponential growth of the Black God, and the ceremonial platform activated an elevator and an ancient bridge that led to an ancient structure, on the site of which a factory was built. Judging by the crystallized remains of the Mold under the stronghold, I can assume that the founders could use the fungus to preserve the sovereignty of the region. You know, if in real history Dracula used different tactics to compensate for the numerical advantage of the Turks, in the Resident Evil universe, the numerical advantage could be compensated by the superpowers that the Mold gave.

When Ethan pulled the Chalice out of the altar platform, a small earthquake started, so at the beginning of the final battle with Miranda, she said that Ethan had awakened the Black God. Miranda also wrote in her diary that the Chalice is the controller of the Black God.

Almost everything Ethan did, Miranda and the lords should have done initially. She divided Rosemary into parts to test her viability, and gave the flasks to the lords, telling them to come back with the flasks later. She had to put the flasks in the Chalice to restore Rosemary, and awaken the Black God to fuse her parts. Ethan did all of this, except for the last part.

If you watch the version of the ending from the leak, you will see that there was no scene in which Miranda lost her power. Nothing implies that the Black God or Rosemary will do this to her. The ceremony works, but the only thing that prevented Miranda from completing it was the appearance of Ethan, who used the toxin against her.

Although the developers have changed this scene, I assume that its meaning remains the same. Ethan prevented the ceremony from ending by using his mental connection with his daughter, which was established because he is the center, since he keeps the essence of Eveline inside him and can communicate with her in the same way that Ethan communicated with Jack in another center. Rosemary is a fungal girl, like Eveline was, so, like Eveline, she has a connection with the center through brain signals. Father and daughter can see each other's memories because they are synchronized.

Miranda ripped out Ethan's heart and infected herself with his fungus through blood to establish a connection with the girl (Eveline's fungus is a special modified strain for such connections), but she underestimated Ethan. He survived, stood up for his daughter and fought without a heart.

Well, this is how I see things after studying the plot.
So I will say without exaggeration that Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village are the few games in the series that do not require Kaitai Shinsho to understand them. Although I agree that such a fragmentary and epistolary format of storytelling leads to disputes and different interpretations. When I get into such situations, I usually think that the developers really did not plan that such an experience could be kind of a problem for the community, because, as in the case of different scenarios in old and new games, they are calm that some things may be unclear. It's just games and fun, but the fans have created a culture where such things are taken much more seriously.

I think the major benefit of not giving all the answers right away is that they can unveil the biggest plot points gradually with each new game and hopefully tie up the plots nicely.
While I do think more details will come to light about the mold in the future, detailed reports of the incidents are usually spread thinly from time to time (the baker incident report was nice though).
It would be nice to have Capcom finally acknowledge these past events and the viruses that infected people. Often though, it feels like Capcom prefers to go with a more self-contained approach, which can be annoying. The storylines sometimes never overlapse, which means many plot aspects never reach a conclusion that makes any sense. It feels like a disjoined TV saga now, or something.
While I do think more details will come to light about the mold in the future, detailed reports of the incidents are usually spread thinly from time to time (the baker incident report was nice though).

I think all the basic information about the Mold was given to us by Resident Evil 7. This made sense for the game, since we were faced with Bailey's syndicate, which has modern equipment and scientists to study and describe how the fungus works.

Resident Evil Village did not make any changes to this, but simply showed the vector of infection with the same fungus in very artisanal conditions. It seems to me that the main goals and themes of the game are folk horror and Lovecraftian (cosmic) horror, so such elements as sterile laboratories are simply out of place there.

In general, to be honest, I am completely satisfied with the amount of information that these games have given me. I don't feel that I lack the context to understand the stories. Some elements like the Progenitor Virus or ancient history should intentionally remain unsolved, I believe.
Jesus Christ, I usually tolerate inconsistencies between the Japanese and English versions, but this particular case literally shocked me.

It is acceptable that you can translate something incorrectly: for example, confuse "captain" with "lieutenant" or "bacterium" with "fungus". Some words are translated differently, so you can make a mistake in the context. And I understand that.

But it's just a whole new level.

I'm talking about Ernest's diary, in which he writes that the Duke gave him an old newspaper about Umbrella.

First, in the English version, Ernest wonders why there is a company logo in the village. Whoever wrote this didn't think that, well, maybe he turned the context upside down?

Secondly (and this is the dumbest thing), Ernest writes that he forgot the name of the company, but adds that this umbrella-like symbol is easy to recognize. Jesus, my brain cells died the first time I read this.

Of course, the Japanese version does not say that Ernest forgot the name, because it does not make any sense, lol!

I'm so angry right now, to be honest!
One thing RE8 has taught me is to not take the story seriously anymore. Any sort of investments I have had with the older lore died out with the Wesker’s demise. It’s true we don’t need an answer for absolutely everything or else the mystery aspect of the series will be gone. However, the fact Capcom still doesn’t bother hiring proper English translators to this day is baffling. It’s no wonder Western audiences have such a hard time investing in any sort of lore, when it’s thrown into a blender and we’re forced to scrounge around for the crumbs through exclusive interviews and podcasts with actual developers of the games.

This is nothing new though, since Capcom is completely inept when it comes to this sort of thing.

This newspaper mistranslation reminds me of Chris’ line in RE ‘96 when he says; “What’s Umbrella?” to Rebecca at the Residence and she has to explain it to him.🤣
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Since the RE: Verse DLC was delayed, do you think the other DLC Capcom has planned will suffer a delay as well?

I just hope it will be something like Not a Hero, where Chris and his men go to the BSAA headquarters in Europe, and all hell breaks lose. Unfortunately, I think they will probably incorporate prequel DLC instead, about the ill fated Elena, as that was likely cut content that could have been included regardless.
I forgot to say this but one of the things ı dont like about revillage is the fact that they decided to make an important file a paid dlc. I believe the baker incident report only becomes available to people who purchased one of the dlcs.

Couldnt they seriously make that an unlockable? Either through game or re.net site? Like in re5 and re6?

I mean re6 had extra file portions for re.net site and the site was free for anyone. You didnt need to purchase stuff to unlock extra story info.

It might not be that annoying as of now since the report can be read on re wiki but since people decided to complain about re6 and the files were one of the things they complained, ı guess ı'll complain about this too.

Good job capcom. Continue making story microtransactions like that that are important for some people to understand the lore.

You'll surely be a great company in my eyes this way, that's for sure.
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