Since I finally got my hands on HD Project, I would like to return to the topic of ruins once again.
As you know, the Gothic castle originally belonged not to "some" Ramon Salazar, but to Oswell E. Spencer himself. Even in Resident Evil 4, we find exactly the same paintings that hang in the Spencer Mansion from the remake:
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Respectively, it also explains their architectural parallels, the same paintings, the same chairs and so on. Many resources have been reused.
But they also have one more thing in common. Yeah, the ruins of an ancient underground civilization.
Initially, according to Noboru Sugimura's script, Lord Spencer's castle was built on the ruins of an ancient civilization, where the Progenitor Virus was discovered. Since such a connection with the mythology of the Biohazard series was severed, the place of the virus was taken by the Plaga parasite, which was used by an ancient cult called Los Iluminados.
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We find this Mesoamerican-like drawing on the island and can see both the act of sacrifice, which the modern cult of Lord Saddler also practices, and the symbol of the Plaga parasite.
Before that, we visited underground ruins that had advanced technologies and Sumerian-like reliefs:
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Moreover, we see a painted cult symbol and a similar technology on the island, which gives us reason to believe that, among other things, Lord Saddler's cult inherited the idea of this technology too:
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Although someone can reasonably write that the Sumerian-like civilization and the Aztec-like civilization are not the same thing, it is much more likely for me that this is one fictional ancient civilization whose culture is formed from different references.
We know very little about these people, except that they were in a sect and used parasites. We don't know how ancient they are, nor do we know where they got such advanced technology from. Unlike the Progenitor Virus, the Plaga parasite is not an agent of evolution that could increase human intelligence. On the contrary, it is a life form that parasitizes the nervous system and causes a human to go berserk. So how are such technologies possible?
Everything can become clear when we visit the next numbered title. Thanks to it, we learned that no one refused Lord Spencer's castle and the ancient civilization where the Progenitor Virus was discovered.
More interestingly, we learn that the Ndipaya culture is inspired by Mesoamerica, and also that this tribe used the same technologies that are used in Resident Evil 4. Not to mention the fact that we find fossils of parasites there, which Umbrella could also find for its own parasite.
What conclusion can be drawn from these observations? Like TRICELL, which was established in Resident Evil 4 as Seashell, but this name was eventually retconned, it is possible that the ancient civilization from Resident Evil 4 has a direct relation to the Ndipaya. They could either be heretics, some of whom were executed by the tribe by feeding mutated animals, or followers of one of the immortal kings who vanished from history.
And the new remake, among other things, has a really good opportunity to link the history of the RE series together, even without resorting to some radical retcons. All the ideas are already there, they just didn't have the opportunity to be shaped.