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RE:3 RE:3 Announcement Trailer

Chances are I'll play the game with the vanilla model for Jill and if I'm not used to it by then I'll download a mod for her to look like she did in the remake of the first game. Also wow, I've just noticed that she's carrying a glock in those pictures, I hope we'll still get to use her Samurai Edge in the game.
I just got email from Capcom press EU, they say Collector's Edition is available on pre-order, but didn't say from where. They didn't say it is ONLY in GameStop, or mentioned it any other way. I'm baffled.
I just got email from Capcom press EU, they say Collector's Edition is available on pre-order, but didn't say from where. They didn't say it is ONLY in GameStop, or mentioned it any other way. I'm baffled.
EU CE isn't exclusive to any retalier. You can pre-order it anywhere.
Two places got them! They say they got it like 10 pieces and they sold out instantly. Some video game retailers told me they won't be getting them at all. I mean..... yeah fuck that
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