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OT Games Nightmare of Decay


I can't say enough good things about this game. If you've ever wanted to relive playing Biohazard '96 for the first time in just about every way, this is the game. From the gameplay and pacing to the 32-bit era visuals, it hits every mark. Feels a bit more modern where it needs to (and is first person), but isn't a gimmick. Feels very authentic and captures that era beautifully.

Lots of people turn to Steam when the console market dries up, for you can experience horror games, new and old, at a good cost.

I wonder why Crying is not Enough was cancelled for the PS4.
Lots of people turn to Steam when the console market dries up, for you can experience horror games, new and old, at a good cost.

I wonder why Crying is not Enough was cancelled for the PS4.
Because the developers did not pay the voice actors, so it was even delisted off of Steam I believe.
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