A while ago I tried to think of how the Family could find a practical use for Enhanced C, and I thought of a solution similar to that used with dominate and Type 3 Plaga.
C-2 (tentative) is created by splicing elements of Enhanced C into regular C. The desired effect was to create a strain capable of bypassing Anti-C. It succeeded in this regard, but new symptoms developed that both enhanced and harmed C's effectiveness:
For one thing, infection is greatly improved. Not only can C-2 J'avo spread infection themselves, but the Family developed a gas capable of spreading this strain (which is red instead of blue. This gas creates C-2 J'avo, not Zombies).
C-2 J'avo are much more aggressive than regular J'avo, making them insane and feral. While C-2 works as a blind weapon, it's ability to create obedient soldiers is eliminated.
C-2 J'avo develop an intense twitch, making them shake unnervingly.
C-2 is still in the prototype phase, with researchers attempting to solve the issue of control. But an outbreak happens before that can be accomplished.
The Family also develop at least 3 new CMS based on C-2:
1. CMS using bat and wolf genes on a human host. Wolf head and hind legs, bat arms/wings, human torso. This creature goes through two stages of development. While young, they are hairless and move on all fours, but can use their wings to fly for several seconds at a time. When adult, they are covered in hair, stand on two legs, and can fly for longer periods.
2. CMS using lobster genes on a human. This creature can pull it's upper body upright to attack, and crawl on the ground to move quickly. It has many centipede-like legs, and two claws with very thin, very sharp blades resembling scissors. It's top body is covered in a shell made from human bone, and it's underside resembles red muscle tissue. It can only be harmed by hitting it's underside when it rears up to attack. It's "face" is soley comprised of a human mouth with no lips under the shell (think Xenomorph).
3. CMS wild mutation that uses plant qualities from t-Veronica. In the Chrysalid stage, the black shell is replaced with a moss-like substance. When prey approaches, the top half of the "chrysalid" splits open, with the body folding open like a flower. Inside the creature are hundreds of small teeth. It has a tongue that is as long as a licker's, but much more human-like, capable of grabbing the player and dragging them into it's mouth. It can move using the moss-covered legs, which tear at the sides to reveal exposed muscle.
I was thinking of calling it "Venus".
One other B.O.W. created by C-2 is a Tyrant-like creature. This thing has the vitality of Ustanak, in addition to pores on it's back capable of releasing C-2 gas (like the original concept for the RE1 Tyrant). It has a hose attached to it's arm with tubes running into it's own body, which spray Veronica fire blood like a flamethrower.