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General My updated tier list.

I revisited the OG quadrilogy recently so I updated my RE tier list.

I posted this on RE Facebook group and was bashed for it. Mainly cuz of RE6.

What's funny is a lot of the OG games are rated pretty high but they see RE6 at the top and get so triggered.


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Nice list. Yeah re6 haters are a joke tbh. I dont take them seriously.

In the past, ı've posted to many places like gamefaqs, reddit, youtube comment sections, steam forums etc. and when ı spoke my honest thoughts about re6, most of the time ı've been insulted. Some agreed with my opinions or respected to it but many times ı've been called fanboy or fake fan just cause of my love for re6.

Re6 steam forums for example still has people bashing the game there. It's awkward really. Why do they spend their time discussing a game they dont even like? Negativity isnt really healthy. Their lives are made of full of misconceptions and nonsense. They confuse many, like they did to me, this way as well. Thankfully ı didnt give up and stood up to my opinions. Eventually ı decided to take the hate bandwagon for re6 way less seriously.
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