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General Memory is a strange thing

I realised today that when I opened Biohazard and finally defeated the last boss I kept being killed by, I realised this and it meant I had completed the game. I completely forgot I had gone through the whole thing a while back (apart from the final boss level). 25 plus hours, too. How could I forget all that? My ageing brain...
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I haven't played any RE game in the longest time. I think I did more ranting about them than feeling the urge to play them. And what's funny is, these games all come from a different era, which reflects a varied taste.

Hate tank controls? Play RE4. Want a modern take on things? Play RE7. :)

So CV for me is really the end of the 'original' run, despite RE4 going off kilter with its, "Umbrella went bankrupt when their stock plummeted" gag. I feel like I was denied from kicking their ass. But then they try to bring them back, so we ended up with RE6. The late great Mert's top franchise entry. šŸ˜…
Suspense has been the most consistent trait of Biohazard games.

Biohazard games before 4 were more about preparation than action (4,5,6 were way too action packed and had convoluted nonsensical stories, imo).

So based off of this, the series needs to stay suspenseful to stay alive, and there has to be a perfect balance between action and preparation going forward, and also stick to science fiction and NOT fantasy.
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I think it's a good thing Tango Gameworks was saved. I yearn for another The Evil Within game. Especially since survival horror games are not put out very often.

I do tire of remasters, though. I would like a new The Last of Us over that new game Naughty Dog just announced last week.
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