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Movies I Wish Future Resident Evil Releases Be Movies Only

I know what I'm saying here won't be popular, but I wish that from here on forward, Resident Evil be just either CGI movies or live-action movies, since my video game days are just about over. As a person who's going to be 40 later this new year, I rather watch Resident Evil than playing it. Games just aren't as appealing to me anymore like it used to be from the 1980s to the 2000s.

I wish Capcom would make CGI movies of the PS1 era games. It would be nice to see a movie based exactly like the Spencer Mansion (I'm not referring to the latest movie), Raccoon City, Rockford Island, Salazar Castle and Jijuju Africa.

So if Resident Evil would just be movies from now on, I'd be happy, but if they have to make another game, I'll still watch it on YouTube rather than play it. Besides, future Resident Evil games would be on the PlayStation 5, which I don't plan on getting.
Yea, this opinion is really not very popular and, most likely, will never be the case…

Frankly, I also play video games a lot less now than I had to. And with age, this thing only progresses.

And I genuinely don't know if it's actually related to age, because there are a lot of old people who are over 60 years old who play games and even make videos about it, right? Like, who knows.
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