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OT Games Hideo Kojima could be resuming work on a new Silent Hill game!

I'd try not to get too excited, as I don't know if this dude on Reddit is just pulling our chain, but he claims to have inside information about Kojima being in contact with Konami about developing a new Silent Hill project.

Again, this is not factual, and he claims he had to PM a moderator the supposed leak.

But anyway, here's the link where I read about this guy's rumours, plus the Reddit thread.


I'm "choking" (a popular UK slang term for "keen") to get a new entry in the series, as it has been... WAY TOO FREAKING LONG!
Recently, I read somewhere online that Konami are supposed to be working on a new game with the working title, Project Fog.

Hell, what does the Silent Hill franchise always have a shit ton of? Oh yeah... fog! :ROFLMAO:

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