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General Gun sounds in RE Engine games.

EDIT: Links were placed incorrectly. Sorry about that.

The audio mixing of most firearms in the RE Engine games is pretty underwhelming.

I've seen several posts on reddit, steam, and other forums complaining about this.
RE3R: Default vs Modded gun sounds.
And people even went out of their way to make mods that improve the audio quality. So I know that I'm not the only one.

But whenever I point this out in large RE forums, I get such butthurt and toxic reactions like as though their parents made the game.

Links to following videos have been attached.
1) Comparing the M1911sound of RE8 with that of a much smaller game.
2) RE3R's default vs modded gun sounds.RE8 vs Insurgency Sandstorm.
I agree. They sound like those lousy 99p capguns. 😅

I also don't like the redesign for Chris in 7. He seems like a liability now, instead of the hero he was in the older games.

In RE8, they may have improved his looks, but in terms of his showing up and all, they really just had people guessing he was apparently bad, because he is one of their cash grab characters. So it was just to get the community talking. But other than that, RE8 had too weak of a story to really attract much interest from even the most hardcore of aficionados. 😣
I agree. They sound like those lousy 99p capguns. 😅

I also don't like the redesign for Chris in 7. He seems like a liability now, instead of the hero he was in the older games.

In RE8, they may have improved his looks, but in terms of his showing up and all, they really just had people guessing he was apparently bad, because he is one of their cash grab characters. So it was just to get the community talking. But other than that, RE8 had too weak of a story to really attract much interest from even the most hardcore of aficionados. 😣
I like RE7's Chris more than RE8's in some ways. He had a voice that fit Chris's character. And his personality wasn't butchered.

Lotta people don't know this but Chris has this savage indifference when he talks to his villains. He doesn't do quippy one liners, instead he bullies them to their face. RE7 Chris made Lucas nearly cry. Just like he did with Wesker in RE1.

Now, RE8 Chris looks a lot better but I fu*king hated his voice. Not only did the VA (Jeff Schine) put no effort into sounding different from Carlos, he also had a punkish accent that didn't fit.

Roger Craig Smith sounded a lot more mature and refined. When Chris says "Miranda is fucking insane" in RE8, it sounded punkish like something Mark Wahlberg would say.

RE8 Chris also didn't have that arrogant attitude against Miranda or any of the villains.
The upgraded shotgun in OG RE2 sounded so good. It’s sad that games 20 years after the fact can’t maintain the same level of sound quality for the guns. AvoidingThePuddle (Twitch streamer) describe it perfectly when he said RE8’s sound like paintball guns.🤣
The upgraded shotgun in OG RE2 sounded so good. It’s sad that games 20 years after the fact can’t maintain the same level of sound quality for the guns. AvoidingThePuddle (Twitch streamer) describe it perfectly when he said RE8’s sound like paintball guns.🤣
Really? I found the shotguns pretty underwhelming in RE2R. Same goes for RE3R (shown in the video).

In RE5, the M90 and Striker pack a lot of punch.
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