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General Future Remakes


I checked that interview and it simply mentions " horror " while exaggerating that word. Sato also simply wants " horror " to continue as if it stopped continuing at some point.

I've also seen obnoxious hate against re6 in comments and that doesnt help either.
Do you think they will remake the remake? 🥺

I think they need to stop rehashing the whole franchise. They're really not going to take the series ahead once they cannot do any more remakes. :D
Capcom seems to be half correct, half stuck. I know remakes are for the nostalgia, and to bring those older titles to a modern audience. But they had the right idea making RE7 into how proper survival horror had been during the heyday of these kind of games. But with RE8, I think a lot of fans agree that Capcom had lied a bit, when they said 7 had been too scary of an experience for players. It was clearly an excuse to revert the franchise back to the RE4 style, that people had wanted to receive a much needed break from.
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