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Outbreak Favourite Outbreak Character?


My favourite is david. He can create awesome tools, has cool knife combat along with good monkey wrenches and he shoots handguns / magnums with one hand.
I like Yoko since she can hold up to 8 items (I’m a big item hoarder), has the lowest infection rate among all the characters and can avoid danger much like Jim without raising the infection bar. You can spam her dodge around enemies to serve as a distraction for your teammates to get away. Although it can be risky if you are not very good at it. She also has a charm that can prevent insta death.

I still remember Desperate Times on Nightmare. Basically everyone had to play as David and spam his combo attack with the knife to kill all the waves of zombies. There was simply not enough ammo in the level to kill 50 laggy zombies.

Good times.🧟‍♂️
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