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General Favourite and Least Favourite Features? ( Spinoffs only. )


Which feature you dislike the most about your most favourite spinoff? And which feature you like the most about your least favourite spinoff?

For me;

Most favourite spinoff: Darkside Chronicles. The feature ı dislike the most would be the shaky camera.

Least favourite spinoff: Umbrella Corps. The feature ı like the most ( and probably the only thing since the game is a pos. ) would be the remade environments from the past re games.

Note: Recv, re0, rerev and rerev2 arent spinoffs.
Probably Outbreak. It at least plays like the mainline games, and should have been remastered by now.

While I don't particularly like many of the spin off games, I don't like Umbrella Corps in the slightest.
I don't know what my favorite spin off is, but my least favorite is Dead Aim, and I guess ORC.
Best aspect of Dead Aim - the atmosphere and lore behind the environments.
Best aspect of ORC - the new information Slant 6 added.


I don't know what my favorite spin off is, but my least favorite is Dead Aim, and I guess ORC.
Best aspect of Dead Aim - the atmosphere and lore behind the environments.
Best aspect of ORC - the new information Slant 6 added.
What is the new information that slant 6 added?
Favorite is Outbreak 2. Really dislike the bleed status effect, it’s one of the main reasons why I don’t like playing Underbelly.

Least favorite is Gaiden. I liked the idea of a shape shifting monster stalking you which should be revisited again.
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