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General Favourite and Least Favourite Features? ( Main RE games only. )


Saw this in reddit couple days ago which got my interest so ı want to ask it here as well.

Which feature you dislike the most about your most favourite main re game? And which feature you like the most about your least favourite main re game?

For me;

Most favourite main re game: Re6. The feature ı dislike the most in re6 would be the unnecessary amount of qtes.

Least favourite main re game: Re7. The feature ı like the most in re7 would be jack baker.

Note: Recv, re0, rerev and rerev2 are main re games.

Nero Sparda

Best mainline entry: RE2

I don't like Tofu Survivor.

Worst mainline entry: RE7

The only thing I like about this game is Jack Baker.
Favorite feature is the controls and automatic camera angles in the older Resident Evil games.

Least favorite are the giant spiders in the earlier Resident Evil games.
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