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RECV CV a spin-off?

The only way ı can see recv being a numbered entry is for raccoon to be concluded much more properly. If the city was expanded very well while being concluded in one game then ı can see recv being a numbered title. It seems to be planned for it to be re2 but in the end; it became a spinoff. I personally dont think it becoming a numbered title is necessary. It works better as a spinoff. I agree with nakai for that. It doesnt need to be compared to previous numbered titles, it should be looked as its own thing. It's not even part of a spinoff series; it's a very unique entry. I never gave this much thought about this but " code veronica " title sounds very symbolic just like re6's number.

I think it has the best story and characterizations from pre-4 titles and again the game being a spinoff makes it much more unique. Trying to paint it as a made-up numbered title devalue from its intended purpose.

I also dont want to see re engine cv in any capacity. I played dreamcast version and ı enjoyed that a lot more than x version. I cant stand to kato's pointless alterations with those bloated wesker cameos at all. I agree with suga by keeping his scripts more similar to the way sugimura seems to intend while expanding from his potential well.
Considering the RE3 remake was high up in the meh department, then nope. I'm not interested in seeing a remake either.

It would appear Capcom isn't particularly fussy about it too, because it's strange to remake RE4 first. But of course, RE4 is the one that's certainly going to make them rich again. So yeah. There's me answering my own question. :p
Considering the RE3 remake was high up in the meh department, then nope. I'm not interested in seeing a remake either.

It would appear Capcom isn't particularly fussy about it too, because it's strange to remake RE4 first. But of course, RE4 is the one that's certainly going to make them rich again. So yeah. There's me answering my own question. :p
I still wonder how many times capcom's gonna imitate re4 again over and over using re engine. It extends to umbrella corps, vendetta, infinite darkness and heavenly island as well.

It's their most popular entry and they just cant stop producing it, as if they want mikami to come back to them so that he can write barebones scripts with pretty much no actual story value.

I dont think re4's ports feel that unique from each other either. I tried ps2 port in pcsx2 emulator and it felt quite frustrating and tedious even with cheats compared to steam port. I dont like that separate ways wasnt available on gamecube version either. I understand that mikami's gamecube deal was stupid but the way capcom's trying to remedy mikami's problems doesnt feel like it solves the issue.

I wouldnt even be surprised if separate ways got cut. I dont care what they would cut from leon's portion since it would still be barebones and that would make it faithful to mikami's script but straight up cutting separate ways would make the entire game empty.

I also felt that aeon's relationship was lacking in re4 compared to re2 but suga really expanded their relationship well while enhancing the emotional drama between those 2. However re engine 2 was a massive step down from past entries in regards to this.

But yeah ı hope re engine cv wont happen. I feel this way about re engine 6 as well but capcom's trying their chance with that sounds even more unlikely and that makes me relieved for now at least.
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Not to sound like a salty elitist. I like RE4 for what it is, but I do see that game as being the noticeable downfall of the series. The appeal for it I can understand, as it satisfies your hunger for the more popular action genre. However, it moved the franchise into God only knows what territory. Bizarre Land, or whatever. Although I told people that fact numerous times on other forums, and they were like, "STFU. RE4 is the best ever!!!!11"

I wish I could agree. But I don't think that highly of 4 or a lot of the titles after it, to be honest. For example, I hate that you buy stock from a vendor in RE4 and RE8. To me, that's just a silly, non survival horror type of gimmick. Like that's even in any way realistic. Funny, sure. Realistic? No.

Even 7, "the return of horror" in RE. All they did was imitate scenes from different Japanese and American horror films. Called it a RE game. But to me, it's so slow paced that I cannot be bothered with it most days. I don't like how you don't even see much of the guy you are controlling. That would have made the game more enjoyable. But meh. It's all done now.
being the noticeable downfall of the series
To be fair the downfall started after re1 anyway. Due to iwao not working in the company along with his credit being taken by mikami. I see re4 as the sequel that's most affected by the downfall rather than causing it. The development got better starting with re5 due to capcom trying to actually improve from past rather than blatantly imitating re4 the way re engine does. I see re6 as peak re entry and re4 as black sheep.

If iwao stayed; the story development would have gone through much better and the entries would also be connected to each other more while being concluded much more properly as well.
Yeah. I care about the story. I care about the gameplay too, but it's not so much how it plays that I fuss over. It's when you can tell they're making up things story wise, to keep it going.
Yeah. I care about the story. I care about the gameplay too, but it's not so much how it plays that I fuss over. It's when you can tell they're making up things story wise, to keep it going.
I care about both too. But the entries released after re1 overall feel like dlcs to it despite them improving from its gameplay formula. I think outbreak games have the deepest gameplay mechanics who also feel the most unique entries from all entries released before re4 along with recv which ı find unique as a clever spinoff due to its clever story while after re4's shift; it's re6 who realizes its potential the most from the sequels.

For " making up things storywise " ; ı think it only applies to remake and re4 leon portion cause the series overall expands from past while those 2 entries are simply written by mikami due to him rushing their scripts fast. However ı still adore lisa trevor as well as separate ways.

Still cant stand to umbrella corps and re engine ( simulation ) direction where they are imitating re4 blatantly though.
I still think that recv, despite being considered as a spinoff, feels more like re2 than 1998 game. I find its premise more focused compared to re2 and even re3.

Re3 also feels more like re2 than 1998 game but it feels more unique from a pure game standpoint than recv which reuses assets from re2 just like survivor but at the same time; the game still feels more like raccoon city dlc. I find outbreak games much more valuable than re3. Making 2 numbered games to conclude the city after spencer mansion was concluded in one game feels redundant while outbreak games by themselves give enough conclusion to city already. Same thing with re6 giving enough conclusion to a world destructive biohazard incident.

Personally ı think re2, re3 and outbreak games together feel more like an actual re2 while re6 feels more like an actual re3. And recv works better as its own thing, as a spinoff. Dismissing x scenes of course.
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