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Movies Canon Manga’s made into movies

It would be great if Prelude to the Fall, The Marhawa Desire, and Heavenly Island were made into CGI films or anime’s. It’s ridiculous that Marhawa goes for like $500 for all 5 volumes and Heavenly Island was never translated to English. Given how much backstory they add and enrich the stories to the games they are associated to. If we are even getting stage plays why not?

It would make them much more accessible for fans and people new to the franchise. I know they could do it. If they can make up stories between older games like Infinite Darkness is doing over 10-15 years after the main games released, they can give these mangas the same treatment.
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I dont think capcom will be interested in doing that tbh. Though even if they are; then how could pttf work as a cgi movie? It's way too short to be made into a movie.
They should try the anime route and see how it goes. It would be a brand new way to experience existing material or brand new stories. There have been very short anime’s in the past that only had like 6 episodes so it would be a way for Capcom to test the waters before moving into Marhawa Desire and Heavenly Island.

Either format would work for me.
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