Resident Evil Collection
Hello everyone,
I'm sure there's a lot of Biohazard/Resident Evil collectors there, who have nice pictures or informations to share, or questions to ask ?
When did you start your collection ? Why ?
Is your collection made of specific items like books or action figures ?
What's your favourite item ?
What's the item you dream to have ?
Feel free to post your collection, whatever its size can be, a collection starts with 2 items and size doesn't matter, passion only matters ;-)
We're here to share, to help each other, not to play the game of "the one who has the biggest or the rarest", years of collecting teached me any collector has always an item other people don't, and we can discover new items every day
Some pictures of my collection:

I'm sure there's a lot of Biohazard/Resident Evil collectors there, who have nice pictures or informations to share, or questions to ask ?
When did you start your collection ? Why ?
Is your collection made of specific items like books or action figures ?
What's your favourite item ?
What's the item you dream to have ?
Feel free to post your collection, whatever its size can be, a collection starts with 2 items and size doesn't matter, passion only matters ;-)
We're here to share, to help each other, not to play the game of "the one who has the biggest or the rarest", years of collecting teached me any collector has always an item other people don't, and we can discover new items every day
Some pictures of my collection: