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General A Fan Short Comedy


Hello mgr ı have something to share in your thread.

I published these videos on my channel after recording them. I used a fanart you created as the thumbnail for them. Normally ı wasnt planning to post here as a way to discuss the storyline but ı think ı'll make this reply to let you know about this.

This is your art ı found. I put it to my favourites. If you desire, ı can change the thumbnail to something else but either way, ı hope you'll enjoy!


Hello mgr ı have something to share in your thread.

I published these videos on my channel after recording them. I used a fanart you created as the thumbnail for them. Normally ı wasnt planning to post here as a way to discuss the storyline but ı think ı'll make this reply to let you know about this.

This is your art ı found. I put it to my favourites. If you desire, ı can change the thumbnail to something else but either way, ı hope you'll enjoy!
I cant find the art on the page. As a result, ı changed the thumbnail to a different one ı found on deviantart.
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