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General 2012 in real life

Oh, man. I remember 2012 sucked for me. It was the year I found this woman I met in 2005. Trying to find her was some ordeal, and it ended up being a disaster when I got back with the scrub. But 2013 to now, has been even worse than any of the years beforehand. Although I'll spare you the boredom of having to read all about it!

Anyway, 2012 did have a few good points. But it had sad ones too. Like for example, Konami had their last Silent Hill game out in 2012. I'm not talking about Book of Memories either. And what have they did to the franchise since Silent Hills was cancelled in 2015? Bugger all, actually. :(
Downpour was 2013 but yeah I feel ya. Sometimes it’s better to move on and find new interests and hobbies. I have said my peace numerous times in this forum and it’s feeling like we’re all kicking a dead horse by this point. Not worth losing hairs over anymore.

Relationships can feel like a tangled web at times. One of the hardest things to do is to severe your connection with said person and go the other way. I had to do that with a few friends who turned toxic. Know your worth and don’t let others walk over you.👍

Does anyone miss the times back in 2012? Capcom was publishing a lot of stuff at that time. I wish ı was a fan during that time who supported capcom's releases. Biohazard brand was going epic despite many people calling that time " downfall " for their stupid reasons and excuses.

It's the year where the most amount of entries were released when compared to other years. Rerev, reorc, re6, damnation, marhawa desire and even a live action film which is retribution.

From what ı understand, people seem to be quite heated; ı cant quite describe what was happening at that time but ı just wished fans werent so angry about their so called " rules " and didnt make a lot of pressure to capcom.
I definitely miss the 2012 days. I wasn't a Resident Evil fan back then unfortunately, but the games released then were so good.

I also like this trailer for reorc. It's pretty cool.

Here's another one. But about this; ı dont like how they are putting ada next to villains. I feel like she should be teamed up with leon while carlos should team up with nikolai. That would work better.
Those ORC trailers got me hyped, I loved the gameplay and I was happy when I learn Spec Ops were getting their own DLC too.

People complain about the length of ORC but the main story was 7 Chapter + Jill Free DLC Chapter, and it was decent enough, most RE games were super short anyway.
Well, March is gonna be a bit low for people wanting to go back to the town of Silent Hill. But I hated 2012 for a variety of reasons. But not as much as the front page of Google when you look up Konami's name.

RE has just kept on going, so that's a plus.

It is amazing how a franchise from 1996 is still going strong in 2022, even if some games do disappoint.
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