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Recent content by ZenlightenedOne

  1. Z

    Revelations Revelations DLC Guns

    They didn't seem very special to me so I didn't particularly like or dislike them. They were just ok. I think Parker's was the best but still not too great. Just average weapons.
  2. Z

    General Best Version Of Wesker?

    My favorite version of him will always be the RE5 version. He was so iconic in that game and I really liked the voice and everything regarding his portrayal in that game. His Uroboros form was also quite memorable. The RE4 version was probably the weakest portrayal imo, but that doesn't really...
  3. Z

    Revelations Revelations General Discussion

    I love the Revelations titles, they really feel like they enrich the storyline of the franchise. Something about the campaign of the game was really fun to me, I played it countless times. It's super fun to play on the highest difficulty, infernal. I loved the characters too personally...
  4. Z

    RE6 Why RE6 is one of the best RE's

    Couldn't agree more with this! It's been my favorite ever since I've played it many years ago and no Resident Evil game has come close to even matching its legacy, let alone beat it. It's a phenomenal game that gets so much right.
  5. Z

    RE:4 RE:4 Officially Announced

    I really enjoyed this reveal! Graphics look super nice, the characters are accurate in representation from what I can tell, the atmosphere looks more intimidating and frightening. This looks like it'll be the superior remake of the recent 3 we've had. I was thoroughly impressed with it and for...
  6. Z

    General Are remakes the new normal?

    I'd honestly prefer a new game as well, remakes have kinda taken over video games and even movies/tv shows. (In the form of reboots) It really limits creativity to an extent. It's insane that The Last of Us is already getting a remake, that game is not old enough to get one imo.
  7. Z

    RE:2 RE:2 Director’s Cut

    I think both games desperately needed more and better quality content. They feel empty and incomplete, such a waste of a remake opportunity in my personal opinion.
  8. Z

    RE6 Jake - Rooftop Mission - No Damage - Last Stand - Full 150

    Love the punching mechanic Jake has, it adds style and variety to the gameplay. One of the many reasons I enjoyed RE6 so much.
  9. Z

    RE6 Agent - Mining the Depths - Last Stand - Full 150

    This video perfectly demonstrates how RE6 has the best, most dynamic and interesting gameplay out of all the RE titles. That was so fun to even just watch!
  10. Z

    RE6 Every Port of Resident Evil 6 Compared

    I never saw a big difference with how the game plays and looks on most platforms, although I've never played on PC.
  11. Z

    General Least Favourite Mainline Entry?

    My least favorite by far is Resident Evil 7. It feels nothing like a Resident Evil game and its narrative is awful. Nothing about it appeals to me. The characters are bland, the horror isn't even the best the franchise has to offer, and it feels so disconnected from the rest of the games...
  12. Z

    RE5 RE5 vs RE6

    I can't stand the types of people who jump on the RE6 hate bandwagon without even having good arguments for why the game is so "bad." They'll say things like, the "the story is silly." Well, that's kinda how the story always was. The criticism for RE6 is so blind at times and it shows. There's a...
  13. Z

    RE6 Which Platforms Did You Play RE6 On?

    I've played RE6 on PS3, PS4, and Switch. I played it so much on each of those platforms. Had a blast each time with it.
  14. Z

    General Game Picking Quiz

    I'd buy RE6, and Revelations 1 and 2 all totaling to $12, then since I wouldn't have enough to add RE5 I'd instead buy the original RE2.
  15. Z

    General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

    I got quite a few actually. Action works better for RE than horror, Resident Evil 7 is the worst game ever, the QTEs in RE6 were awesome not annoying, the Revelations games are better than most of the main RE games, and ORC was a pretty good game.
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