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Recent content by TheBatMan

  1. TheBatMan

    General Resident Evil Mythology

    1. I'm not familiar with this channel. I recognise the author's name but I haven't watched any of it so I can't comment. 2. I enjoy the additional lore Remake 4 introduced. The original just had nothing. No real history on the cult, the Salazar family, no insight into the lives of the villagers...
  2. TheBatMan

    General Resident Evil Mythology

    Hi all. Just a heads up that I've updated 'The Resident Evil Mythology' - a timeline that originally debuted on this site way back in 2006. This latest version incorpates the remakes in what is really a variant version of the original timeline. A second version where all remake material is...
  3. TheBatMan

    General Story rankings

    Doesn't mean he wasn't learning his trade behind the scenes. Hideki Kamiya was only just out of his teenage years when he joined Capcom as a planner and his first ever game as director was RE2 and that turned out fine. Unfortunately for Eiichiro Sasaki, the Outbreak games and RE6 are three of...
  4. TheBatMan

    General Story rankings

    The main writer for Village is Antony Johnston, not director Sato. Johnston wrote the script and the first versions of the files for the game, which were then subsequently translated into Japanese. Johnston is an established award-winning writer. However, Johnston is not writing the DLC, which...
  5. TheBatMan

    RE7 Wesker revival

    He's dead. Umbrella Corps, whilst canon, has no story outside of The Experiment and in regards to multiplayer only the concept is canon, not the literal battles. Wesker's 'appearance' in such is almost certainly an easter egg because DC Douglas voiced 3A7. The hints about him in The Experiment...
  6. TheBatMan

    Movies Resident Evil Infinite Darkness, a new CGI series for Netflix

    Well it isn't officially, but both Claire and Leon look mature. Leon looks older than he does in RE6 for a start. Plus there looks to be some kind of outbreak possibly even in the white house itself. Trust me, this is set well after six. I'd guess it will logically fill the gap between 7 and 8...
  7. TheBatMan

    Movies Resident Evil Infinite Darkness, a new CGI series for Netflix

    Timeline isn't set between 4 and 5. Relax. It is set after RE6. That source is innaccurate.
  8. TheBatMan

    General Questions and Answers

    The only source for Robert is the Bradygames guide. In the Japanese script he is simply referred to as リズの父親 'Liz's father'. I'm happy to go with Robert in this case because it is simply easier to write and sounds better to read than 'Liz's father' all the time, and more importantly, it has zero...
  9. TheBatMan

    General Timeline...

    Noted about the Magnum. The RE6 scenario with all its various crossovers took the longest to write up so I think I was just on autopilot trying to get it finished by the end. A document of this size really requires a proper editor and to proof read it all would take another six months of delay...
  10. TheBatMan

    RE8 Rumor of Resident evil 8

    If Ethan is in play then I suspect the 'witches' could be more E-Series bioweapons. Their mind control and influential properties could quite easily lead villagers to interpret them as such. Chris being the bad guy is clearly rubbish but I could see Blue Umbrella framing him for something making...
  11. TheBatMan

    General Timeline...

    There are no more RE6 references in the book other than that unfortunately. The prologue is about Leon going after corrupt US Government officials, it never specifically mentions The Family, although the connection is clear. Chris' epilogue in 6 is just him deciding to carry on as Alpha Leader...
  12. TheBatMan

    General Timeline...

    No. 2014 would be the bulk of Vendetta in Feb/March, Heavenly Island in the summer, and then Daughters in October. Throughout the whole year is the '4 Survivors' part of Umbrella Corps.
  13. TheBatMan

    General Timeline...

    It's quite annoying how we have pretty much solid placements for every canonical entry into the series aside from Vendetta. The novel explains the Lanshiang incident was 'not too long ago' and the New York outbreak is described as 'late winter'. Based on this, I have the prologue in Mexico as...
  14. TheBatMan

    General Timeline...

    Nice vid, but I disagree with some of the placements. For example Damnation takes place inbetween Claire and Barry's Rev2 campaigns if we take the radio transmission from Eastern Slav into account. Marhawa Desire is Sep 2012 not before March and Vendetta is much earlier than 2016.
  15. TheBatMan

    Resistance Capcom Producer Praises The New Direction Of Project Resistance

    However devisive, I think RE4 is a major reason the series is still going strong today. Without it Resident Evil would either be long dead or have been rebooted by now.
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