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Recent content by Takufox

  1. T

    General Not surprisingly, the Netflix series is no more!

    Im actually sad about this. It wasn't great but I still had fun watching.
  2. T

    RE2 Happy Birthday RE2!

    I cannot believe how far the series has come. HBD to my favorite game
  3. T

    Resistance Project REsistance Beta codes are being sent out

    Got mine this morning! Hope to play work summer of y’all soon :cool:
  4. T

    Resistance [PR] Trailer Revealed

    I’m still not sure if this is gonna be a wave shooter like left 4 dead or an outbreak clone. Still I’m excited. This reveal makes me think this is gonna be something really big.
  5. T

    General How long have you been a fan of the series?

    I think since RE2 came out dang I must have been like 5 or something. Definitely had no business playing this game and for that I’m grateful
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