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Recent content by SG79

  1. SG79

    OT Games The Evil Within | Psycho Break

    I was and still am a big fan of the original despite its flaws (thankfully I can play it at 4K 60fps now). But I really couldn't get into the second game for a number of reasons; the major one being the pacing thanks to the pseudo open world set up. The imperfect but weird story of the...
  2. SG79

    RE1 '96 Flow Charts

  3. SG79

    RE1 '96 Flow Charts

    Pardon the amateurish work, but I thought it would be helpful to create a couple of flow charts for the scenario events based on the research done from the old topic. Mind you, this covers the more complex parts that aren't obvious so they're not meant to be walk through charts (so I left out...
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