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Recent content by RPD024

  1. RPD024

    General Capcom recruiting RE ambassadors to test game currently in development

    I just got an appointment in NY at 10 am to play this new game 2 hours of gameplay and two hours of talking, I got a email today then I called the number and talk to someone and they gave me a spot
  2. RPD024

    General Capcom recruiting RE ambassadors to test game currently in development

    Ok with all news coming out did anybody get invited to test the game in LA or NY yet ?
  3. RPD024

    Tbh I hope it’s RE3 but I would love to get RE8 also,I been playing/watching the RE Franchise...

    Tbh I hope it’s RE3 but I would love to get RE8 also,I been playing/watching the RE Franchise growing up it’s apart of my childhood life & my adult life, So I been happy with 7 & 2 coming out because it reminds me this franchise is still alive, I was not a fan of 5 or 6 because of the story but...
  4. RPD024

    General Capcom recruiting RE ambassadors to test game currently in development

    Tbh I hope it’s RE3 but I would love to get RE8 also, I been playing/watching the RE Franchise growing up it’s apart of my childhood life & my adult life, So I been happy with 7 & 2 coming out because it reminds me this franchise is still alive, I was not a fan of 5 or 6 because of the story but...
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