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Recent content by residentfan02

  1. R

    General R.I.P. EVIL VR

    If true, then rest in peace, however, I think it's just a way to get attention. This guy never got anything right, I recall that a week before RE3 leaked he said it wouldn't be announced in 2019. Of course, everytime he missed the mark (pretty much every time he ''leaked'' anything) he deleated...
  2. R

    General Models in sequels versus remakes...

    Chris and Carlos aside, I think every model looks like their respective character. They did an amazing job with Leon, Ada and Jill.
  3. R

    RE:2 Re2 Remake vs Re3 Remake

    RE2 is the better game and better Remake. They cut less in 2, not to mention it recreats what the original had much better. Remake 3 is much more of a new game than a Remake, and treats the original with little to no respect.
  4. R

    RE:4 Do you want a Resident Evil 4 remake?

    First of all the game doesn't need one, second CV needed one more, and third, they didn't even wait to see the reception 3 would have. However, it's quite smart of them, a 4 remake will without a doubt sell more than an CV Remake.
  5. R

    RE5 Happy Birthday RE5!

    One of my favorite in the franchise, and truly underrated. I think it has one of the best stories in the series, it ties RE1, 3, CV, 0 and Umbrella Chronicles together, with the best portrayal Chris had in the series. It also has an amazing soundtrack and the game still looks good to this day.
  6. R

    RE:3 RE:3 Remake Thoughts

    Original RE3 is one of my favorite games in the series, and I didn't expect it so soon after RE2, well I was very happy with it's announcement in December, however, all I have now is disapointment. Let's start with what I think the Remake does well: I believe this is the best version of Jill...
  7. R

    RE:3 Re3 Remake Gameplay Footage

    There are some other things that some sites didn't mention and others did: Unlike RE2, 3 remixes some tracks from the original. There are more possible Gun Powder combinations than 2. There is no one hit kill for Nemesis. There is a file in game that confirms the sewer things really are the...
  8. R

    RE:2 RE2: Which character and scenario?

    In the original it was Leon. I liked Ada more than Sherry, not to mention I prefer his guns, he didn't have the Grenade Launcher, but I loved the Magnum and Shotgun. The bit where you are with Ada is also pretty cool, while with Clarie you have to walk slowly because of Sherry. In the Remake, I...
  9. R

    RE:3 RE:3 Announcement Trailer

    Any chance you could send it to me too?
  10. R

    Manga Manga

    I think Prelude to the Fall is the best one. Unfortunately even Capcom forgot about it since it was never mentioned again. My throughts on Marhawa Desire and Heavenly Island is that they are both awful. Marhawa being the least bad because it's nice to see more of Piers, but both of them have...
  11. R

    RE:2 Extra things you would have preferred to see in RE2 remake?

    The fact that they took away the Spiders, Moths and Cockroaches was disapointing, so I would add them in. I think the game lacks variety in the enemy department, something the originial did not, and that could be fixed by adding those cut enemies in. I would add an earlier meeting between Irons...
  12. R

    General Voice Actors

    Roger Craig Smith was my favorite Chris, far better than anyone before or after him in the role. RE5 has the best Chris of the franchise. Paul Mercier for Leon, I think he did a great job for him on RE4, however, he wasn't as good in Darkside Chronicles and Degeneration. Patricia Ja Lee and...
  13. R

    RE6 RE6 campaigns most to least favourite?

    When I first played the game back in 2012, I hated Jake's campaign and loved Ada's. However, after replaying it through the years, I would put the campaigns in the following order: 1 - Chris - It has the best plot and characters. I would say Chris had the most development in the series here...
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