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Recent content by Mr.PajamaPants06

  1. Mr.PajamaPants06

    General Left 4 Dead “Resident Evil” Mods

    Anyone have Left 4 Dead 1 and 2? I mainly ask because I’ve recently come across various mods on Steam that I think Resident Evil fans will love. Modders have recreated Resident Evil 1-3, as well as each scenario from Outbreak file 1, complete with music and such, and it’s a really fun and fresh...
  2. Mr.PajamaPants06

    OT Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Yep! Its a sort of cop drama/zombie film that revolves around things the US is experiencing with policing and such today. Its heavily inspired by RE and it’s my baby. Made it for my senior thesis before graduation.
  3. Mr.PajamaPants06

    RE:3 RE:3 Announcement Trailer

    Oh, that’s a good point. I forgot he was the pilot.
  4. Mr.PajamaPants06

    OT Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Thank you! Thats really great to hear. Glad to meet you!
  5. Mr.PajamaPants06

    OT Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Nice to meet you!!!
  6. Mr.PajamaPants06

    RE:3 RE:3 Announcement Trailer

    Have you ever heard of or read the RE3 Chinese Manhua comics? Brad is in the story, but he's actually pretty badass and his flaws aren't really that he's a chicken, but more so he's just selfish and sells out and leaves everyone in the dust. I feel like that interpretation of him struck me more...
  7. Mr.PajamaPants06

    RE:3 RE:3 Announcement Trailer

    I feel like we all have sort of the same opinion about the redesigns. We're alright with them, but they're not the best. Also, not the absolute worst. I'm a huge Jill fan, so being back with her is a lot of fun and alone just enough to make me excited, but I'm most excited about the story...
  8. Mr.PajamaPants06

    Thank you! Glad to be here and meet all you guys!

    Thank you! Glad to be here and meet all you guys!
  9. Mr.PajamaPants06

    OT Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Hey guys, I'm Cameron from Los Angeles. I'm a film school grad with a few small projects under my belt and am looking for like-minded people in the LA area to nerd out and collaborate with! My main problem with film school was that everybody knew what they were doing, but I found it hard to have...
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