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Recent content by Mocata

  1. Mocata

    RE:4 Separate Ways reveal soon?

    This place seems to be dead so I will just leave this here. Adios.
  2. Mocata

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    Still using the first shotgun on the island that's crazy to me :p Just rinsing the final few chapters, unlocked the primal knife, probably going to try the infinite launcher next.
  3. Mocata

    Movies Death Island

    Might watch later, gave a quick skim and to be honest it's just like the earlier ones: too stiff and talky except with there's overblown slow motion stuff going on.
  4. Mocata

    General Capcom Resident Evil survey

    My major feedback to them was that each game used to have a unique sense of character which has been lost. Not just unique features like the zapping system and the action choices but things like music and general personality. Certain areas in RE4R are just not creepy because there's barely any...
  5. Mocata

    General Capcom Resident Evil survey

    Well... that surely is a non-sequitur
  6. Mocata

    General Capcom Resident Evil survey

    New survey about RE4R https://www.enqform.capcom.com/form/pub/form1/re4-en
  7. Mocata

    Movies Death Island

  8. Mocata

    RE:3 RE:3 Remake Thoughts

    But not in the English version, so for consistency's sake it would better to keep the same tone. Going by examples above Nu-Jill and Moira have almost the same personality at times, presumably because some writer thinks it's cool, or because they think that's what Western audiences want. 'Bitch...
  9. Mocata

    RE:3 RE:3 Remake Thoughts

    She looks good but the attitude is wrong. Whoever localizes the dialogue these days has a problem writing anything that sounds professional and it's all bad language and aggressive edgy nonsense. Then again they don't know how to write files and lore either. Which is kind of a problem when RE1...
  10. Mocata

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    Yeah the double Garrador room is a pain but the collision adds a new dimension. Feels like they home in on you too easily compared to the old version though. The lava pit fight is okay I guess. Having Luis still around is something new at least compared to basically zero changes in some earlier...
  11. Mocata

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    I've bought RE4 at least 4 times and will probably buy the DLC. Konami will get nothing as they are a joke. Back on topic; I just got the last treasure, wasted Mendez and moved to the castle area which has brought back the fun of experimenting. I've also had time to crack a few of the...
  12. Mocata

    RECV Pablo Kuntz Voicing Wesker During RECV Scenes

    No offence to the guy but these were... not good in my opinion. The OG crappiness has its own charm of course but the tone is something never to be repeated.
  13. Mocata

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    Jeez what a pain. Supposedly if you land every hit it will die before the cycle starts over, when it comes at you and you can hit the mouth, but I found that it just took three cycles without the boat sinking. The final stage was like a leaping part I hadn't seen yet, and there was even a button...
  14. Mocata

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    This sounds incredibly stupid but Del Lago of all things has me stuck. I've seen clips of people clearing it in about a minute, but I feel like it has new un-dodgable jump attack on this mode that totals the boat and certain tree stumps hit me every time? Weird. I mean it was dumb not to change...
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